Garrity 2C Light Disassembly


Newly Enlightened
Dec 25, 2015
Happy New Year to everyone.

Have a question about a light that I've had from when I was younger - just a little 2C Garrity black/yellow incan. Couple years ago I re-discovered the light and found that the alkalines had leaked :(

Back when I found it, I pulled the batteries and neutralized as much as I could with vinegar and put it back away because I couldn't get the light apart any further, and in the project drawer it has sat.

The contact strip and spring definitely need some attention and I'd like to pull them out and hit with a scotchbrite pad/sandpaper but can't see how the light would come apart (if it does at all). The bottom doesn't seem to come off and the yellow piece that covers the switches doesn't appear to be removable either.

Any ideas? Here's what it looks like

I think it's safe to say that many of the less expensive lights were never intended to be serviced. Once components were "snapped" into place it was a done deal. I've had some success rehabilitating similar lights. It's likely that the spring was placed after the copper contact strip (interrupted by the switch mechanism) was permanently installed. That being the case, once the light head and batteries are removed, you may be able to reach into the tube and merely pull the spring out. My experience is that the spring is wedged against the contact strip in plastic bodied lights. I clean away as much corrosion as possible (usually all of it), treat it with some rust inhibitor and perhaps coat the part of the spring that contacts the strip with some dielectric grease. Then it can be pushed back into the tube. The contact strip doesn't need to be completely free of oxidation, just the places where the circuit is completed. The switch itself can be bathed in electrical contact cleaner. It's hit or miss as to if this will be effective but worth a try if the switch can't be removed. I've been able to eke a bit more life out several Garrity type lights this way. Good luck with your efforts.