Hi guys, haven't been here at the website for quite a while. The latest flashlite I bought is a Garrity. It's 4 1/2 long and takes 3 "AAA" cells and has a colliminating lens. I bought it at Rite Aid for $16.95. I wonder if Garrity's flashlights are made here in USA or are they made in China. It doesn't say anywhere on the blister pack it came in. On the bottom end there is a button type switch and the address is printed on that end. There's a cord on the switch end and a cool velcro pouch and 2 coloured filters (blue and red) that snap on the lens end. When shining the light on a wall it appears to have the "moon" like appearance like my shake light but MUCH brighter! So, is Garrity products made "here" in the US of A, or in China? (can't be china, cause this light looks well made).. come on guys, I like to hear from feed back! thanks again... Robert.