Garrity 8 (7) LED 3AA headlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2007

Got it on sale at Walmart for $11 (normally $18.83). Last one left.

The packaging says 8 LED Headlamp. But if you count, there are really only 7 LED.

The light is a three strap headlight with the battery pack in the rear. The 3AA batteries load into the battery compartment vertically. I see rubber seals around the battery compartment lid so it must be water resistant.

There are two switches beside each other both located in-front on top of the LED housing. The right switch operates the 1 watt LED located in-front in a half dome. The left switch operates the 6x 5mm LED - 3 white, 3 red. All 3 white LED are arranged in a horizontal line. There is one red LED on each side of the set of white LED with the 3rd red LED located in the rear on the battery compartment to serve as a rear warning light.

The right switch operates the 1 watt LED. There are 3 light settings, press it once = high, twice = medium, 3rd time = low.

The left switch operates the 6x 5mm LED. There are 5 light settings. Press once for one white LED, press twice for 2 white LED, 3rd for all 3 white LED. Press the 4th time, all 3 red LED light up (white LED turns off). Press 5th time, all red LED blinks. The 3 white LED are focused a bit to a throw with only a little spill.

You can turn on both the 1watt and the 3 white LED at the same time. If you do, all LED actually focus on the same point. You do not see a separate throw for the 3 white LED from the 1watt LED.

You can also turn on the 1watt and the 3 red LED at the same time.

The 1watt LED is pretty bright with all throw and very little spill. The white LED are actually pretty bright too, a single white LED can light up my room well enough for me to see well.

I would say this is a very good deal. All the features for 11 bucks. Dunno about runtimes but I suspect running a single white LED will get you the promised 50 hour runtime as indicated on the packaging.
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Nice review ltiu. This same HL is clearanced at the local Wal*Mart for $15.

2 quick questions.

Is there 1, or 2 red LEDs on the battery pack?

And secondly, is that switch a bit cumbersome to use while wearing the HL? ( Is it easy to locate and operate?).
Nice review ltiu. This same HL is clearanced at the local Wal*Mart for $15.

2 quick questions.

Is there 1, or 2 red LEDs on the battery pack?

And secondly, is that switch a bit cumbersome to use while wearing the HL? ( Is it easy to locate and operate?).

The one that I bought does have a $15 sale sticker attached to it but the rack it is hanging from has a $11 sale sticker on it. The cashier rang it and it came up $11.

Hard to tell if there is one or two actual red LED in the back since the back LED is covered by a diffuser. I'm not into the modding part of my illness yet so I am not prying the diffuser open to see, but maybe there are really two red LED in the back ... that would make a total of 8.

I'm still happy with the light if it were less. I feel the rear red LED are a waste though. I like the RR K2 headlight better since it's rear red LED are controlled separately by a rear switch.

The switch is cumbersome initially when I have no idea how it feels and where it is. But after a few seconds of fiddling around, I quickly got used to where it is and how it feels, from then on I can quickly locate it with my fingers and turn it on/off quickly without difficulty.

Looks like a great light though. Nice and bright white 1 watter. Nice bright white 5mm. Lots of features for a cheap light.
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Thanks ltiu.

I went back to Wal*Mart today, and sure enough, they had 4 of those Garrity 1 watt HL, still at the $15 clearance.

I took one to a price check scanner, and it registered $11.

But, after reading the positive feedback of the new Rayovac Sportsmans Extreme 1AA 1 watt, I went ahead , for $8 more, bought one.

And I'm glad I did! So far, so good. On to that thread... :whistle:
Thanks ltiu.

I went back to Wal*Mart today, and sure enough, they had 4 of those Garrity 1 watt HL, still at the $15 clearance.

I took one to a price check scanner, and it registered $11.

But, after reading the positive feedback of the new Rayovac Sportsmans Extreme 1AA 1 watt, I went ahead , for $8 more, bought one.

And I'm glad I did! So far, so good. On to that thread... :whistle:

I think the two lights you are comparing are apples and oranges. The Rayovac is a smaller headlight with shorter runtime and lower light output. I have both and comparing the two, the Garrity definitely has more light and runs longer on a set of batteries.