I believe it has to do with the reputation of the Inova....plain and simple we all know that Inova makes a truly tough light. All of their products have proven to be incredible lights if for nothing other than being rugged.
Gerber makes some nice products however honestly is not on the same level as the Inova line. The Ultra-G was, and still is , a classic however when Gerber took it over they changed it to a much cheaper performing model in many peoples opinions.
Honestly I really do like the new look of Gerbers new products however as a CPF member with hands on experience from both makers there would be no hesitation from me on what product to buy...Inova.
So again without samples out to us on either product we have only past models from both makers to form our opinion. Reputation,word of mouth, and years of use by us all the general feeling is Inova for the reasons already mentioned......Personally I will buy both because I am weird like that and happen to like all lights....hehe