Gerber Radius Multi Tool at Target


Sep 25, 2006
Anyone try one of these newly realesed multi tools from gerber. Looks cool but not sure about the quality or finish when compared to Leatherman or Victorinox.
Just a few years ago, Gerber quality was just half a notch below Spyderco or Benchmade. Sadly, those days seem like a distant memory....

Everyone I know who owns a Vic Multi-tool, praises it! I have quite a bit of experience with Leatherman multi-tools. Other than watching out for a bit of surface rust, Leatherman is a Winner. SOG's Power Lock is my current large multi-tool of choice. So far, no complaints! You can also flip it open, one-handed.

Yeah, I recommend a Vic or Leatherman (or SOG) multi-tool over one from Gerber.
Thanks for the input. I do like my Gerber but I also my leatherman and my victorinox a little more.
Costco set from Gerber with a flashlight+multi tool has the tool made in China with only 1 year warranty.
Can someone check with Gerber is no more lifetime?Or is only for China models?

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