Getting new li-on 123 batts and charger, Opinions please..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2003
I really like the one AW cell I have, runs long fits everything I got that takes 123's, but wondering about any others people my recommend.

I also want a new charger, I need an extra and (tell me if this is right or wrong) my old black batt station seems to only charge up to 4.16/4.17 no matter what battery. I have read on here that the should come off the charger at 4.19/4.20

something simple but good, my lights are mostly 1X123 but wouldn't mind getting my E2D LED'ed, and using it again. Thanks all! VG
You have almost 2000 posts on CPF and you're looking for people to recommend something better than AW and you're disappointed in 4.16V off your charger? Somehow I think you already know AW is the top recommendation around here, and 4.16 is considered a nearly perfect charged voltage. If you want a different opinion, ask somewhere else.
Ok, yeah crapload of posts BUT I haven't bought batts since before I got sick and then got back on my feet. I went from LL III's being awesome at 60 Ln's, then when I got $$ for a new light it was (pardon the pun) going from night to day when I got my Cree loaded nightcore Extreme.

But, nice to know the AW's still rule....... you smart a$$'s:grin2: (I mean that with Love BTW,) Thanks guys, VG

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