Giveaway Thread (general info)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2010
El Paso
Not entering this one as I have 3 nicely modded Maglites (including one by Matt/vestureofblood), just wanted to say good luck on this one. This looks like a very sweet light and is going to make a happy person out of whomever wins. Matt does excellent mods and work, and that this is a collaboration makes this even more special. :twothumbs


Newly Enlightened
Aug 2, 2005
I'm in for the modded Maglite.

I'm curious to put a modern modded maglite side-by-side with an Magcharger with upgraded bulb.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2012
Southern California
I'm in for the modded Maglite. I have only owned one Maglite, and when my granddaughter, son & daughter in law went camping I gave them several lights to borrow. My daughter in law said she always used to carry a big 4 D cell Maglite in her truck all the time as a persuader(I.e. Allow me to persuade you to leave me alone or you will regret it). So I popped in an LED and it is now hers. I have watched VOB's work with admiration and I have sat out a giveaway or two because I won so now seems a good time to jump back in. If your dog has stomach trouble, buy puréed pumpkin and substitute 10 % of their food with pumpkin. Also, a bite of barely cooked broccoli twice per week also helps. My youngest pup was sick for a week & a half and was waking me up 5 or 6 times per night. Thought I would pass along the info & maybe save someone the cost of a vet visit. A lot of web sites recommend mineral oil-this can kill your dog if aspirated into the lungs. If you really want to use an oil, a small amount of olive oil soaked into a piece of bread may be fed to the dog. If there is no improvement or your dog whines, scoots is in distress call your vet...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Im in for the modded maglite. Im a newb to all of this but I can certainly appreciate the nostalgia of a "rest-o-mod" so to speak. Now a story, last year in mid september I awoke to a screaming raccoon outside. I share about 3 acres of woods with these little guys and they become quite the nuisance but I still appreciate and respect them. Anyway, about 5am this coon was screaming wildly so I had to investigate. I had a rechargeable mining light at the time and I stood on the porching shining to see what was going on. I flashed the little stream in front of my house and to my horror and amazement a little kit had gotten stuck in the pool around a drainage ditch and was struggling to keep his head up. I grabbed some welding gloves and ran to the creek to see if I could help.Upon seeing me the little guy figured hed take a chance and kicked hard off the pipe in a backwards motion and I grabbed it and wrapped it in a towel. It literally wrapped up in thetowel and sat on my lap on the porch for hours warming up. Long story short I kept it in a kennel til night time and released it near its den tree. I have no doubt that the mother found it as she was a frequent visitor. Anyway, sorry for the long story but a giant coon was sitting on my porch last night and it reminded me of that morning. Thanks for the opportunity!


Jul 2, 2015
"I'm in for the modded Maglite" :wave:

Try asking Siri: "Hey Siri, Give us a hint"
It comes up with a bunch of funny comments but it won't tell you anything that will disclose anything to do with iOS 9 or Apple's secrets no matter how hard you try. All it tells you is "I hear there's something big in the 9th of September" which is when the Apple Event is.

Funny one::sssh:

Thank You for this Awesome Opportunity! :twothumbs
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 17, 2015
I'm in for the modded Maglite. Much earlier in life, Maglites were the holy grail of expensive flashlights. I've only owned 1, a free gift given by my company at Christmas to all employees. It was a small single AAA light and was so poor that I took the battery for my cheap no-name aluminum early LED light. It was my EDC for years until I found BLF and I have a Lumapower Avenger RX All-in-1 coming. When it gets here I'll show it to the old mini Maglite.


Nov 15, 2014
Sabah, Malaysia
I'm in for the modded Maglite

Wow, I can't miss this, a modded Maglite!....They are available to purchase here at some stores at a very premium price and I could never justify the purchase (to the wife actually, if it was just me I'd get it in a heartbeat) of such a big ol' light and not too bright compared to LED lights.


So last night, after a hiatus for more than 3 years...returns the bird that deliberately knocks on my bedroom window at night. When it happened back then I got used to it (wasn't married with a kid then). It used to have a nest on the Mango tree branches just beside my bedroom window. Sometimes it brought the little birds with it on the window sill, pretty cute bunch actually.

However, for those of you that are not aware, for the Chinese, according to the Lunar Calendar, it's actually right smack in the middle of the hungry ghost month. For the Chinese and the people that has belief in this, this was a month where night time excursions are kept to a minimum and people usually stay home at night due to fears of meeting wandering spirits as it was in this month that the gates of hell (according to Chinese beliefs) open and the "hungry ghosts" wanders.

Needless to say it kinda scared the heck outta my wife with the bird knocking on the glass and she couldn't sleep properly. She's not Chinese but in my locale it's a very diverse community and people are aware of the traditions and beliefs of basically everyone else. Oh yeah, she's also a scaredy cat, totally weak for ghost stuff hahaha.

Had to scare away the bird a few times during the night, one time I used my light to see where it was perched on the tree after scaring it away from the window sill and lo and behold it had a nest there, couldn't see whether there were eggs due to the angle though.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 27, 2010
I'm in for the modded Maglight

**Will add interesting content when I am on my laptop.**
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
lunas, your name came up in the random draw! Please PM me or mjgsxr at your earliest convenience.

xzel87, jfong, you are alternates in case lunas does not respond in a timely manner.

Thanks to everyone who contributed something to the thread, and in particular to mjgsxr for this giveaway! Let's keep it going together.


Jun 10, 2015
Congrats Lunas and a big thank you to Doc and mjgsxr for making this giveaway possible! :D

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