Glow in the Dark


Newly Enlightened
Aug 5, 2007
Anyone ever put something on their flashlight to make it glow in the dark? I want to add something to my mini-mag so that, while camping, it is easy to find in the dark when I wake up in the middle of the night/darkness.
Tritium vials, GITD o-rings, GITD epoxy/paint, GITD tailcaps, GITD lanyards.
Also, the IQ switch on a MiniMag has a blinking red "find me" light, which would qualify for your purposes.
I like tritium vial keychains. Think of them as lights with a regulated output that should provide effective brightness for at least 10 years.

I have glow in the dark fobs as well that glow so bright when charged up with a flashlight that you could use them to light your way through a completely dark hallway. Problem is, after a few minutes they are dimmer than my tritium vials. The tritium vials are nothing but consistent glow, 24/7.

Flashlights with beacon modes are nice too. Here's a few more lights with them:
I have glow in the dark fobs as well that glow so bright when charged up with a flashlight that you could use them to light your way through a completely dark hallway. Problem is, after a few minutes they are dimmer than my tritium vials. The tritium vials are nothing but consistent glow, 24/7.

Don't confuse old GITD technology with the new generation. The GITD stuff that most people are familiar with is the type that has been around for decades. NASA and [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Luna Technologies[/FONT] invented some new stuff called [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]LUNAplast that is about 20 times brighter and will glow brightly for 30 hours.[/FONT]
NASA and [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Luna Technologies[/FONT] invented some new stuff called [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]LUNAplast that is about 20 times brighter and will glow brightly for 30 hours.[/FONT]

Is it available to the public? If so, where can we get it?
Don't confuse old GITD technology with the new generation. The GITD stuff that most people are familiar with is the type that has been around for decades. NASA and [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Luna Technologies[/FONT] invented some new stuff called [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]LUNAplast that is about 20 times brighter and will glow brightly for 30 hours.[/FONT]

I was under the assumption that the GITD fobs I purchased on CPF were made using some of the latest in glow powder tech, I guess. The LUNA tape sounds interesting, though. Let's see if they can get this stuff in a non-tape form. Maybe someone can call the Will-It-Blend guy, heh.

For now I will stick with my radioactive fobs. :devil:
LUNAplast works by aligning the crystals instead of them being in every which direction, which is why it works best in semi-rigid setups like signs and tape. It's hard to get this effect with powders. Think of it as a step from original to around 8x brighter with new tech in powder form or 20x with the proper foundation and backing. Wrap this tape around something like a MagLite and you have yourself a club-sized glowstick!!
i would just buy the 15 glow bracelets for $1 at target. snap it, leave it straight. tape or rubberband on.
for a cheap temporary solution if for only camping

gitd paint doesnt last too long
well to answer your question

i bought some of the GID paint recommended here -$15 delivered

it is coursly grained and the particals are not smooth like model paint-but it works very well-some careful thought as to abrasion helps-ie put it in recesses and away from handling points if possible

and painted my mini mag, some cheapy river rock led 2 AA lights, my river rock led lanterns and my very first conversion thanks to this place-an 'on sale' brinkman 2x 123 with the drop in led -more for fun

-including a bit around the collar and a bit around the inside of the lens bezel-works well so long as exposed to the light first-in darkness it continues to glow enough to locate-and is downright bright at first

while not elegant like a cool little vial- and more difficult to get nice crisp lines unless you work under blacklight while painting-it is simple, effective and travels with the light with no extras-and cheap

i absolute dark it will retain sufficient glow enough to locate all night provided your eyes have adjusted to the dark-ie waking up from sleep, and you have a general idea where to look-
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Don't confuse old GITD technology with the new generation. The GITD stuff that most people are familiar with is the type that has been around for decades. NASA and [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Luna Technologies[/FONT] invented some new stuff called [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]LUNAplast that is about 20 times brighter and will glow brightly for 30 hours.[/FONT]

Don't get tangled in marketing hype either. At the core of "LunaPlast" is the "new" Strontium Aluminate formulation of glow in the dark technology. The "old" stuff was Zinc-based.

2Manylights, here's the largest single repository of flashlight-related GID mods. Most of the stuff used by us comes from - they carry only the highest grade GID materials. The owner (Skylighter) is also a CPF'er.
Don't get tangled in marketing hype either. At the core of "LunaPlast" is the "new" Strontium Aluminate formulation of glow in the dark technology. The "old" stuff was Zinc-based.

2Manylights, here's the largest single repository of flashlight-related GID mods. Most of the stuff used by us comes from - they carry only the highest grade GID materials. The owner (Skylighter) is also a CPF'er.

thats the stuff!
Thanks for all the info! I got this idea from my PakLite. It has a GITD cap and is really easy to find when awakening in the middle of the night. Now I see the Zebralight has a GITD mount. So...

I was hoping to create the same effect with my minimag (or any light I may take with me). I wish they made a GITD anti-roll ring! But I'll try to get some paint or some tape and put it on the head. That way, I can unscrew the head and use the bulb (LED) in lantern mode to charge the head before going to sleep. Does that sound viable/practical?

In stead of creating a new thread I stumbled on this one instead so I'm posting my questions here.

Has anything else come along in the last few years that serves the OPs purpose of attaching some GITD fob or paracord that works well for finding your flashlight/keys in the dark...? Any further thoughts on the matter from you guys...?