Flashlight Enthusiast
Im looking to add some glow in the dark highlights to few of my torches but im looking for some ideas as to what is the best way to go about doing this.
Its going to need to be able to withstand high heat, mag '85 probably being the hottest in my collection, im wanting to apply it around the bulb base somewhere like maybe the bulb collar holding it on the bulb base, any ideas here, also where can i find mag head sized glow in the dark o-rings.
Is there any special way of mixing the glow powder with the epoxy and do i need to do any preping first.
And last question where do i find glow powder and the stuff i mix it with, is there a ready mix available :shrug:.
Thanks all you guys ive just built my first mag 1185 and its very:wow:
Its going to need to be able to withstand high heat, mag '85 probably being the hottest in my collection, im wanting to apply it around the bulb base somewhere like maybe the bulb collar holding it on the bulb base, any ideas here, also where can i find mag head sized glow in the dark o-rings.
Is there any special way of mixing the glow powder with the epoxy and do i need to do any preping first.
And last question where do i find glow powder and the stuff i mix it with, is there a ready mix available :shrug:.
Thanks all you guys ive just built my first mag 1185 and its very:wow: