Going away for awhile....


Oct 30, 2008
Northern Utah
I'm going to Wisconsin for awhile, particularly Milwaukee, but I won't be able to do much on CPF for the 2 years I'm there, unfortunately. As such, my offroad lighting projects will be on hold till I come back, which might not be so much of a bad thing as I will have 2 years of new technology to play with when I return. Anyways, I have 8 days before I leave, so I'll try to give my input on the forum as much as I can before that.

Thanks for your help and support everyone,
guessing it is theological related mission work- best of luck to you if it is!
Not to pry or anything- but I am curious- do Mormons have to make a "clean" break
from modern technology such as computers while they are out spreading the word by bike?
Again- no offense- just don't know the doctrine/rules.
Many Thanks.
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Good luck in your upcoming journey, Trevor. It should be quite interesting. We will welcome your return.

They have lights, running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, and internet access in most parts of Wisconsin. Enjoy the cheese.
I'm just north of Milwaukee, and i'm in the city fairly often. If I see ya, we can talk lights. :) Welcome to Wisconsin!
guessing it is theological related mission work- best of luck to you if it is!
Not to pry or anything- but I am curious- do Mormons have to make a "clean" break
from modern technology such as computers while they are out spreading the word by bike?
Again- no offense- just don't know the doctrine/rules.
Many Thanks.

You got the nail on the head.
Its all cool. I do get to email my family once a week (in public places-libraries, etc.) and I will most likely have other means of communication, I will just be more focused on the work I do. Its a dedication thing. Some people think of the Amish, or Mennonites but we're a long ways from them. I'll have a car while there (and yes, a bicycle), possibly a cell phone for being contacted, as well as other things. But no computers, just an email address and Pen & Paper.

They have lights, running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, and internet access in most parts of Wisconsin. Enjoy the cheese.

:crackup: Ah man, I thought I was gonna be in the boonies! Haha. I do love cheese.

@ Everyone else, Thanks for your support!
See you later! Or maybe sooner if I run into you while you're here. I'll keep my eye out for a Spanish speaking Mormon with pockets full of lights.. ;)

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