good 365nm uv, portable


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
hey guys, whats a good uv flashlight, be it keychain, or fenix E0 style that is around 365nm so it will detect more things that the cheaper 400 <> nm
Im looking for the lowest wavelength, beacuse i hear they can pick up more things. Kind of hoping for a little bit of throw, so theres no need to be right on top of something. arc can do this at a range and still offer good luminescance?
The ARC UV isn't known for throw, yet the color IMHO is the best.
Having it on your keyring you can have some :sick2:interesting EDC experiences.
The ARC UV isn't known for throw, yet the color IMHO is the best.
Having it on your keyring you can have some :sick2:interesting EDC experiences.

So the wave length is low enough to prove more useful in special circumstances than a cheaper one? Im kind of hoping for 365nm or something which will detect more things and generally be more useful than the higher nm range.
Ignore....I'll post my question up in LED forum....
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For a while, Peak in this forum had talked about offering a couple different wavelength choices for UV led. You may want to give them a call to see if they have any left.
Nichia makes a high power one at 365nm, and I have a light with one that was built by Wayne at the sandwich Shoppe. AFAIK the LEDs are ~$90, but they will sell them individually. You may be able to commission the Shoppe to build an Aleph 19 with one.

365nm will cost you an arm and a leg. 395nm makes a lot of things glow if you have enough of it. For economy, I use a Cree high power UV driven at 500mA. I hear they don't make them anymore so your next best bet is the Nichia at close to $100 a pop per Larry above.
The Nichia NSPU510CS might be a good compromise between cost, wavelength and ease of installation. It's a standard 5mm package at 375nm.

I used an older version of that for the UV mod in my SF A2, I wanted to get the 510CSs but it looked like too much work/cost (minimum order is Q100, they don't really like to talk to "people" anyway) and I was lazy and used what I had. I'd jump at the chance to upgrade if I could get a smaller quantity.

DealExtreme has some UV LEDs, but when I contacted them for a data sheet to determine output and wavelength they were, well, lets just say I got the response I expected.
Peak makes AA/AAA lights with the 360nm UV LEDs. I have a Kilamanjaro (single AA light) it has 7 360nM UV LEDs and works very well...built like a tank. I ordered mine with the normal power level and run a lithium AA since I don't use it very often.

Give them a call and they can make 1, 3 or 7 360nM LED lights be it AAA, AA or CR123A. Have a great weekend!