Good Cheap HDTV

Flying Turtle

Jan 28, 2003
Apex, NC
The thread on best HDTV is interesting, but no way will I ever spend more than necessary on a new set. Don't watch that much anyway, but I think I'd like something in the 26" class. Target has some good deals on Westinghouse. My uncle has one that looks fine, and I seem to recall Consumer Reports saying they were a decent buy. Any opinions on the more affordable brands or models?

how much you wanna spend? how far will you be from tv for viewing 10ft?

last time i checked a Very good sony 32" xbr6 was around $800

or even lesser sony's run for $5-600 just dont buy westinghouse or crap house brands
if it $800 then it must be a 60 hz model, i am in the market soon for a tv, now i have $700 set aside each bi-weekley paycheck i set some aside, i still have a ways to go.
you can get a decent 37" LG lcd for 600-800 at Best Buy. I buy TV's from there all the time for the casino i work at. The last one was just a hair over $600 and it's got a great picture. IIRC it's 720p
I'm thinking a 26" will fit just right in the TV cabinet I have now in the bedroom. Using a 20" now, so more size would be nice. Viewing distance is about 8'-9'. I think $450 would be my top price, and would like it less, of course. Waiting is not a problem.

I'm thinking a 26" will fit just right in the TV cabinet I have now in the bedroom. Using a 20" now, so more size would be nice....

For me, that would appear about the same size if you currently have an older 4:3 ratio TV. (I'm sure others are different, but after looking at a lot of TV's I found I consistently judged size by the height of the picture. When going from standard TV size to widescreen you get less height for a given screen diagonal.)

A 20" diagonal 4:3 TV is about 12" tall. A widescreen of 26" picture will be about 12-3/4". Not much difference. (Picture size. Nominally. TV manufacturers round up, & down. YMMV.) (Of course, the widescreen is about 8-1/2" wider too.)

Also, if you're trying to fit a cabinet measure! The depth, bezel width, speakers on sides, back or under the picture, all affect the physical dimensions of a TV. You may have fewer choices than you realize.... (but remember fewer choices can be good, if you like at least one of them! :) Good luck.
Thanks for the advice, LED_astry. I hadn't really considered the fact that the picture height would not be much different. Don't think I can squeeze a 32" set in that cabinet. I've checked a few (always take a measuring tape) and it's mighty close, but maybe I'll find one and move up another size.

26 isn't worth the money for HD. 32 is pushing it and you really need 37-40 minimum. Look at some HDTVs in the store in different sizes and with different content.

Once you experience HD, if you go too small you'll regret that you didn't get bigger. I also recommend against cheapos like the Westinghouse. They're considered disposable throwaways if anything goes wrong with them.

There's been a major price drop in the market in the last month or two for decent sets.

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