Good Throw. Good Run Time. Under $60?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2008
Looking for an flashlight that can be used for walks (area backups to a state park with lots of wildlife) with a good throw and a (relatively) decent run time. Price should be $60 or less. Doesn't need to fit into a pocket. Preference is CR123A or AA.

Looked at the Streamlight TL-3 but the run time is only listed as an hour.

Recommendations appreciated.

My current arsenal includes:

(2) Streamlight 4AA Luxeon

(1) NiteCore D10

(1) Fenix L1D

(1) Fenix E20
Expand your list by considering the Husky 2D available at Home Depot for $25. (check out current threads for details) This is a light to be used ONLY outdoors. I have never seen a light with as much throw for the dollar as this light. It is absolutely amazing how far this light will out throw-any of the lights on your list. It weighs 24oz so it isn't a pocket rocket, even though it looks like a rocket with its silver crenelated head and finned tailcap, and therefore, can serve also as a weapon should you need one on your long walk. Run times on Alkalines should be close to 10 hours with its only single output of about 140 lumens out the front (the manufacturer rates it at 200 emitter lumens).
Nitecore EX10 meets your budget in the cr123 category.
Try one of the Eagletac models. High/low with excellent power and runtime. Quality lights around $60. 2 AA model is excellent if you want to stay with those batteries.
How much throw?

The Jetbeam Jet II Pro might work but it is above you $60 budget. The Lumapower D-mini could work too but it is also a bit about your price range. The Eagletac lights might be a good choice.

Eagletac it is. Thank you.

P.S. Before visiting this forum, I never owned a real flashlight. Its become an addiction.
Here are some lights I can recommend, sorry that they don't take CR123A or AA cells:

You can get the Brinkmann 3 watt 2D Dimmable Digital LED flashlight from Target which has 4 brightness settings, ranging from very dim to being bright like a spotlight. It has both great throw and spill, and IMO is a good value.

I also agree that either the Task Force 2C LED flashlight from Lowes and 200 lumen 2D HUSKY from Home Depot would be good choices.

All of the lights I just mentioned will run for hours on one set of batteries.🙂
I was going to post a topic just like this as I am looking for my first light. After reading this i'm really leaning towards the eagletac as well!