Got my Fenix T1 yesterday - pleasing warm tint?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2006

Yesterday (monday) I got my brand spanking new black Fenix T1 (from fenix-store as usual :twothumbs to 4sevens and his team). It's a very good light, awesome outside at night in turbo mode and it REALLY throws. Very solidly built. I'm very impressed.

I noticed the LED has a rather pleasing warm tint to it, comparing it to my other cree lights (L2D-CE, L0D-CE, P1D-CE, P2D-CE, Jetbeam C-LE). Not quite a warm white, but a nice tint that makes it look a little like a hot halogen - the best tint I've ever seen from a cree LED. I have never seen a rebel in action so I can't relate to one.

Is this something we can expect from ALL Q5 cree lights / T1's from Fenix? I don't know as I don't have any other Q5 fenix lights yet (My P1D-CE Q5 has been held by customs, going to collect it tomorrow morning - I also have a rebel L2D-CE RB100 in that package to play with ^_^).

How is the tint of your T1?
Mine is on the cool purplish side. Unless Fenix starts using the same tint bin in the T1 for all they produce there will be variations.

Did you get a smooth reflector or textured?
usually white with a small blue tint, however there will be variations. some people like them bright and white, others like theirs a bit more warmish yellowish

if it's green send it back.
usually white with a small blue tint, however there will be variations. some people like them bright and white, others like theirs a bit more warmish yellowish

if it's green send it back.

What ??
My SF L1 is green... why should I send it back ? :thinking:
Yup, great tint on my T1.

Youre really gonna love you P1DQ5,on turbo it is only slightly (almost unnoticable) dimmer then the T1 on High. It throws also only slightly less. Only reason i use my T1 is so i dont worry about heat and cos the T1 will take a beating.

My T1 has a textured reflector. I got the black one that may be in limited production (initial trial run at the moment) with clip.

The tint is closer to bright white then yellow but it really is nice. Maybe I'll be able to capture it in a beamshot but I've never tried taking pics of beamshots so we'll see.

It's a shame to know they didn't deliberately pick this tint, but ah well, I guess I got lucky! I feel sorry for you Crenshaw for your green tinted T1, hope you can get it replaced without fuss if it annoys you.

Also I got my P1D Q5 and L2D RB100 today. The P1D Q5 really is impressive for it's size, noticeably brighter than my old plain P1D and I really like the olive finish. Compared to the T1, it's a little less bright on turbo, but not too noticeably as you said and I'm very happy with it :twothumbs. This'll definately make non flashaholics scream when they see it light :)

The L2D RB100 is impressive too, still surprised that much light comes from a tiny emitter (I've never touched a rebel light until today). Compared to my T1, it's a different tint but hard to describe, slightly warmer but more coloured - a lot more red in the tint. I prefer the T1's tint.

About heat, I've noticed the T1 is very, very good at sinking the heat from the emitter. No need to feel guilty if I need turbo mode for a long while... ;)
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I've had the pleasure of looking at 3 T1's at the same time. 2 of them were close (not identical) in tint and one was much warmer. I'm afraid I didn't take a photo.

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