Got my new CREE light!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
Got this little thing in the mail a few days ago.
I put in a 3.6v RCR123 and turned it on while (need I even say it) staring straight at the emitter.
The yellow blot I had in the center of my vision for a good few minutes afterwards is a testament to the power of CREE LEDs.
For its size, the little thing is scarily bright. I turned it on the other night while walking down a dark road with some people, and they were all amazed.
And all for about half of what I paid for my Fenix L1S about a year ago.

I'm very impressed, and the little thing is now my main EDC light. I only wish there was a way to get reduced brightness when you don't need the full lighthouse effect... :p
Wait, what $2 rebate coupon? I paid it the full $12 price...

The things seem to be very sought after. They are out of stock again...