GRRR... Surefire P61 HOLA blows after 1 load....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
That urks me. But I have to ask, do you think its a fluke or are all Surefire HOLAs go quicker than the standard?
I don't have any experience with these, but if you were using standard 3v bats then this has to be a bad LA. I'm sure if you sent it to SF they would make good on it.
Re: GRRR... Surefire P61 HOLA blows after 1 load..

Doubt it. I've been abusing a Surefire P91 for quite a while as an experimental lamp - I run it on everything it was never supposed to run on, such as 16430 lithium ions and 18650s while strapped to a Mag3C and it has lasted many hours without a complaint. I somehow think it's glad to be back on 3 CR123s in a C2+A19 housing... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You might want to talk to Surefire technical support, they might be able to help you out.
Verrry unusual. I have been using my P61 HOLA for about 2 years now as well as my P60 LOLA in my 6P, alternating between both when I want to, with no problems. I've been using my G2 as well, also alternating between the P60 LOLA and the P61 HOLA for about 3 years and I have not had any lamps blow out yet. Definately call customer service at Surefire and tell them. They should have no problem with replacing it. Don't email them as I have found the e-mail support people kind of short and slightly rude (IMHO).
Well as long is its a fluke, I'll just get another one. I already have had a G2Z tailcap and a bezel ring for a G2 replaced, so I don't want to push it with them...
socom1970 is correct about surfires customer support via the internet. I have a problem with a P60 lamp and emailed them. They never answered (addressed) the question i aksed and seemed like they answered the email with an automatic reply system.

I will have to call them....
Re: GRRR... Surefire P61 HOLA blows after 1 load..

Well I had the same thing happen to me back in late October.
P61 blew after only 1 set of batts. Emailed surefire and they said they would send me a new one. 2 weeks went by so I emailed again and they said they shipped it. Thats been almost 3 months ago and still havnt received a thing. Dont know whether to be mad at Surefire or the USPS.
Re: GRRR... Surefire P61 HOLA blows after 1 load..

I think it's most likely usps. I emailed SF CS about a badly made p90 and they mailed another one pretty promptly. The emails I received were curt and efficient, but I would put it down to two reasons - 1) they are probably pretty busy and 2) in a conversation on the phone you can gauge the mood of the person by their tone of voice. In an email you don't get that luxury, so you don't know if someone may decide you're being over friendly, and take offence. So I guess they err on the side of caution.

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