GTL LR123A li-ions 1200 mAh


Nov 9, 2009
Hehe i bought a 4 pack of these of e-bay a few months back, i planed on using them for some not flashlight related stuff that burned out on me :D

So, today i got around to topping them off and doing a discharge test on them. The charger discharges them to 3.0V under load. I put two of them in parallel and i got exactly 700 mAh out of both on 1A discharge. Ergo, with 500mA discharge (reasonable for a flashlight), one would put out only 350mAh.

I knew that there is no way they would put out 1200 mAh when i ordered them, but i was hoping for about half of the stated capacity. Oh well, i guess that stated capacity goes for the complete 4-pack :oops:
Thats about par for off-brand R123s. AW cells are very good and I've had great luck with Battery Station cells too. The BS cells are rated at 900mAh but really only have about 600mAh about the same as AW's.
I got 8 GTL LR123a 3.6v Rechargeable 1200 mAh recently.
What's the difference between this LR123a and CR123a ?
Usage between these two types ?
Tks for infor,
CR123A usually refers to 3v Primaries ..

LR123A ? [ its a 3.6v Li-ion ]

Often a lot of the no name batteries are marked

TR 16340 - LR 16340 - GTL 16340 - LG 16340

Do they come as such from different distributors or manufacturers ?

If you check ebay for the no brands , you may find a few more marked differently .

But most of the time its a 3.7v rechargeable Li-ion thats more or less the same size as a CR123A

You will also find a few marked as 17335 ,

So , CR123A can be '

3v Primary [ non rechargeable ]
3v Rechargeable [ 3.6v fully charged ]
3.6 or 3.7v Rechargeable [ 4.2v Fully charged ]

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