GUN-KOTE satin gray D10


Newly Enlightened
Apr 22, 2008
Reedley, Ca
Hello every one, when I GUN-KOTEd my 1D mag ( (how does one make a word a link?), I also did my Nitecore D10, but I didn't show pics because I sent off my piston to jhanko to get it slotted and tritted and I just received it today, so now my light is complete (I really missed it). I wasn't a big fan of the original pocket clip, so I had it drilled and tapped and installed a CRKT M16 pocket clip. I turned out really nice. Now I am just waiting to get a hold of a warm tint LED. Let me know what you guys think.

Pictures taken with an iphone so they are not the best, but will do.
Here are some before pics, with new pocket clip installed.

And after.

Hey, nice job. I really like the color. Can you tell me how much it cost to coat the light? I offer a similar service, but don't make any money from it, so if there was a similar product that CPF members could do at home for less, that would be awesome!

Thanks in advance, and the new look.
My father in law is a gunsmith, so here ordered the smallest can of the gun-kote, I think is was maybe $10 (don't remember from where, but I'll find out). We used an inexpensive airbrush gun from harbor freight to apply it, then baked it in the kitchen like directed. With the small can, I did a 1D mag light and this D10 and have almost half the can left over. I plan on using the rest of it to do a mini Llama Especial 22 (mini 1911) I inherited from my grandma. I'll post some pics of it when I'm done with that one too.

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