Gyrfalcon All-88 charger - how the hell does it work?

lumen aeternum

Sep 29, 2012
Got one from MNT Elec. Has anyone figured it out & written it down in English?

The END of the instructions (Special Attentions) tells you how to enter "Professional Mode" where you can set each slot. Sections A, B, C are aspects of entering settings in Pro Mode.

I want to charge AAA NiMh so 1.5V, but I cannot change the C value to 0.5. Stuck on 1.0.

Edit - pressed buttons for a while & got it to 0.5 C but the V keeps flashing at 1.5 - cannot figure out how to "lock it in." Don't remember how I got to where I am, either. Anyone go thru this already & write it down?

Seems that if you press a single slot, it starts with flashing V (battery type) but you cannot alter C.
But if you start by holding down Fn and then pressing C-V, it starts with flashing C and when you are done setting C (I forget how I got it to stop flashing) it flashes V and you can alter it but not lock it in.

wrt Sec B, Copy Operation - it is necessary to press the next slot to the right & each slot in sequence. If you start with slot 1 and press slot 8, nothing happens (but the instructions seem to say that it should set everything in between all at once).
I have the smaller brother that works exactly the same way. I looked at a YouTube review that explained the UI quite well. If you charge nimh and 4.2v lithium ion batteries, I don't see the need for professional mode. You can select the charge current for each slot independently in regular mode.

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AAAs get hot at 1C so I want to charge them at 0.5C.

Can't find anything useful on youtube.
This indicates that some presses will turn the slot button red -- I have never had anything turn red other than the C-V button. This guy tries to say how to operate it, but does a lousy job, he's just babbling on, not TEACHING.

How do you say "this slot is set, begin charging?"
How do I know it is charging vs waiting for something?
Is solid blue charging or is blinking blue charging?
Is solid blue "waiting for input" or is blinking blue "waiting for input"

At the moment I have 6 slots blinking blue, 2 unlit. All are flashing V-V at 1.5v. What's going on?
EDIT: now those 6 are solid blue & the TIME is incrementing. The 2 unlit are still flashing V-V 1.5 and all my button pushing does it allow me to change the settings -- cannot get them to start, I guess.

How do I put it back into "general mode" ???
How do I know which mode it is in, when I plug it in?
Does it ever turn off, other than being unplugged?
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What? "only when all slots are not placed in batteries, it can switch to the General mode"
You translation want?
You translation get!

With no batteries installed, hold down the two large buttons C-V and Fn for 5 seconds and it will switch between Pro an General.
All the slot lights will flash when it switches into General mode.
The display changes on each slot when it go into Pro mode.

After setting the current and then voltage to your preference in Pro mode. Press and hold the slot button and it will start charging
You can tell it's charging by looking at the battery icon. It starts moving to the right and repeats.

I way confused too was instruction reading many times understanding no a lot.
I hope I made that clear.
Hope this helps,
All the Best,
Here is what I do.

Press the button next to the bay to choose which bay you want to change.
The C~V button changes the selection from Current to Voltage or Voltage to Current. C.A means Current in Amps and is on top, V.V means Voltage in Volts and is on bottom.
Clicking the slot button changes the current or voltage (which ever one you have selected).

After you select both of those, put it on V.V and hold down the bay button to start charging, the battery icon starts blinking.

So, it starts on: 1.0 amps, 1.5 volts. I want to change it to Lithium Ion (4.2 volts) at 0.5 amps. This is what I usually charge at.
Put the battery in. Button next to the slot blinks blue.
Click the button next to the slot I put the battery in.
Device has Voltage selected by default.
Press Slot button twice (or how many presses it takes) to change Voltage to 4.2.
Press C~V to change from voltage to Current.
Press the Slot button three times (or how many presses it takes) to change the current to 0.5.
Press C~V to change back to voltage.
Press and hold the slot button. The battery icon shows solid for some of the battery (if it isn't super low) and which section of the battery is charging as blinking. The Slot button turns solid blue.

I think when the battery gets charged to the voltage you've selected, it turns red to show that it is done.

TLDR: You click the slot and C~V button until you get it set where you want, then click C~V and click and hold the slot button until it starts charging. There is a pattern to it, which you will figure out.

Hopefully I've typed this in and you are able to use it.

For your information: One of the first times charging with this device, the far left two bays failed on me and the displays for the bays blinks. The dealer issued me a partial refund, I have a 6 bay charger, and I've never been able to find any contact info for Gyrfalcon. There is little to no support for this product.

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