H30 flicker on high mode?

Yep mine looks like strong PWM pulsing on high ..... plus i hear a strange noise on high. Not good.
These are not cheep lights....this shouldn't be....

Do you have one of the newest lights? The last run was shipped out at the end of the last Week. Does anybody know if they have solved the Problem?
So....I asked Zebralight...here's the answer:

Hi Nicolas,

Yes, newer H30s have much higher PWM frequency in High.
PWM is used in High to lower the light output so that the
aluminum body can dissipate the heat generated. PWM is
not used in Medium and Low modes.

Thanks and regards,

Customer Services

My question was:


There was a little problem with the hight mode of the H30. Some people
complained about a noticeable flicker. Here
http://www.messerforum.net/showthread.php?t=55455 is a german thread about
it, in later posts there are pictures from the flicker (Osziloscop).
Is this problem solved at the newest run of the H30?

Nicolas Kirsch

Why are they using PWM on high? They could regulate the output equal to the lower settings, couldn't they?

I can't await my H30 to arrive ( together with a TK10 from Fenixstore ).I think this is perfect team for outdoor use... H30 for reading, walking, and normal things (fire the grill at night ;) ect. And the TK10 fpr everything that needs more light.

I was trying to pick one up from Fenix-Store, but I was told that it had some problems with the initial batch, and hence the delay. This may be the problem.

I end up ordering it directly from Zebralight last week, so I should be getting it soon. I hope I don't have that problem.