HAAS Minimill help! Resolved

chew socks

Newly Enlightened
May 10, 2008
New Hampshire, USA
Hey guys (and girls),

I am currently learning how to run a HAAS Minimill through Mastercam X4 except no one seems to have the time to sit and teach me.

Im sure ill have more questions eventually, but i have to get there first.

Does anyone know how to import a Program from a floppy drive, and once its imported, how does one go about setting ABS zeros to run?

Thanks a bunch,

EDIT: Also, does anyone know how to add a tool to the carousel? I know it has to be handloaded into the spindle and then sent to the carousel and how to change to tools in the carousel while in MDI mode. Do i just change to an empty carousel slot to empty the spindle and then load the new one and do the same?
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Re: HAAS Minimill help!

Have you tried contacting your local HAAS Factory Outlet? I have always got extremely good service from mine.
Re: HAAS Minimill help!

I'd call Haas. They are very helpful. Also I would be asking questions at www.cnczone.com as they have a dedicated Haas forum.

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Re: HAAS Minimill help!

You have a HAAS and Mastercam? I'm quite jealous. I've only got a Taig.

What exactly are you having trouble doing?

Re: HAAS Minimill help!

....Also, does anyone know how to add a tool to the carousel? I know it has to be handloaded into the spindle and then sent to the carousel and how to change to tools in the carousel while in MDI mode. Do i just change to an empty carousel slot to empty the spindle and then load the new one and do the same?

Do you have the Mini-Mill manual? It clearly shows how to load the tool carousel.

AFAIK, you cannot add a tool directly into the carousel. Do as you have described. Select an empty slot and insert the toolholder into the spindle (use the tool release button on the spindle or do it from the controller console). Then select NEXT TOOL (or a specific slot) and the toolholder that is in the spindle will be placed into the empty slot and the carousel will move to the slot that you have selected.
Re: HAAS Minimill help!

Yep =D our school actually seems to be quite well equipped in this area at least. Im not framiliar with a Triag, is that an aftermarket mill add on like Prototrack or Accurite?

Ok so i did find the manual and got the tool loading and part zeroing down.

But i still cant get the program to the machine. My teacher tried to show me how to post it directly to the machine through a COM port, but it kept saying "invalid code"...any ideas?
Re: HAAS Minimill help!

Sorry, cannot help with anything MasterCam specific. I use FeatureCam.
Re: HAAS Minimill help!

What program are you using for transfer?
We have a couple different ones at work which need specific modifications to get them to transfer properly.

We use Edgecam but the transfer program for that stopped working so now use OneCNC transfer program.

The CNC code has to be edited (take out tool info at the top of the program)
for it to be able to transfer properly.
Also % have to be in place at start and end of the program.

Re: HAAS Minimill help!

What program are you using for transfer?
We have a couple different ones at work which need specific modifications to get them to transfer properly.

We use Edgecam but the transfer program for that stopped working so now use OneCNC transfer program.

The CNC code has to be edited (take out tool info at the top of the program)
for it to be able to transfer properly.
Also % have to be in place at start and end of the program.


We just use Mastercam's posting ability. It automatically adds in the %. But i finally got it today, i just gave up and figured out the Floppy drive. Turns out the problem was that i as forgetting to add the file extension.

So tomorrow will be told as to if i did it all right.

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