Handlebar (MTB) Mounts ?

Very interesting! Never seen any of those before. I have a couple of the Two-Fish blocks and a couple of the cheap asian "flashlight" mounts but never seen one of these before.
My only complaint with the lockblocks, and I have used them a ton over the last 8-9 years, is that they do let a longer flashlight bounce around enough to be annoying. The aluminum mount would avoid that. The lockblock on the other hand is more versatile. I've even used non-round lights such as the PrincetonTec Tec40 with it. And I've never noticed the "bounce" on 2AA and smaller lights.

That said, I think I will order one of the DKG Mini Mounts and give it a try for a bike light project I have been pondering. Good find!
They dont seem to ship to the UK.

Might send off an email anyway you never know !!!