Hands free option for Surefire C2?


Jun 23, 2006
I work in a recital hall at campus, and have to do a lot of crawling around under the stage/working in tight spaces/up on the acoustic shell running lines/dropping mics/etc, and I've been using my C2's clip to slide onto the brim of a baseball cap/visor, but its not the sturdiest attachment. I wear the lanyard around my neck to secure it when it slips off, but its still a big pain if I have two arms full of XLR cabling on a pitch dark catwalk and my light falls off my hat.

Is there either a) a way to more securely attach the clip to the hat brim or b) a better dedicated hands-free head-mounting solution for a C2? I can't find any no matter where I search.

Thanks. 🙂
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I have a C2 and I think it is a little large for baseball cap use. Also the shape is not necessarily ideal either. There are clamps that will hold a light this size, but they are designed for helmets or hard hats.

Sounds like your job and your use are perfect candidates for a headlamp. A good floody headlamp should be ideal for hooking up cables etc. Another benefit would be much longer runtime than your C2.

I have a C2 and I think it is a little large for baseball cap use. Also the shape is not necessarily ideal either. There are clamps that will hold a light this size, but they are designed for helmets or hard hats.

Sounds like your job and your use are perfect candidates for a headlamp. A good floody headlamp should be ideal for hooking up cables etc. Another benefit would be much longer runtime than your C2.


Hmmm... how much money am I looking at to get a solid headlamp?
I see these quite well received around here, though I don't own one (yet!). http://www.zebralight.com/

I was looking at one of these the other day, and will probably go back and pick it up. I didnt notice it was rechargeable, so I iwll have to look a little further before pulling the trigger. http://www.rei.com/product/745183

You definitely need a headlamp. I use an e2e on my hat and that has a tendency to pull the hat down after a while, so the c2 must be a bear to deal with.
Check the headlamp forum here on CPF. You do not need a very expensive light for your purposes. Under $40 easily. Stick with AAA batteries for the lighter weight.

You might try the Energizer 6 LED model to prove the concept. About $13 at WalMart and other places.

I've just ghetto-engineered a clever solution. I was fishing around my bucket o' random crap and found this rubber nite-eyez handlebar mounting thingie. Its a thick rubber strap that cinches up quite tightly. I affixed it to the side strap of my visor, and it works great. The weight is held tight to the strap and to my head so it doesn't flap about at all, and the cinchy thingie holds it quite tight.



Woo for ghetto engineering. :thumbsup:

Oh, and as far as runtime goes, I have a two mode Cree drop-in so when I leave it on low I get tons of runtime.

Thanks for the help anyways guys. 😎