Happy Halloween!


Newly Enlightened
May 15, 2008
Happy Halloween to all you flashaholic Ghouls and Goblins!

:devil: Oh yeah, and be careful not to knock the eyes out of the woefully under-lit parents and kids and their flashlight wanna-bes with your new Ti Quarks! :devil:

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
My Ti Quark saw some Trick or Treat action tonight. Had to unload my boys while parked on the side of a road. I had my Ti Quark 2x123 clipped on the outside of my jeans pocket, pointing down, strobe on. Hopefully the strobe light hitting the ground made me easy to see for the 1 or two cars that passed. :p Yeah, it wasn't the busiest of places, but it only takes 1 car to ruin your evening. :)

I was sad to see so many kids out, on a rainy night (very hard to see when it's raining and dark), and they were crossing in the middle of the block, not at the cross walks. Almost no one had a flashlight, blinking strobe, glow stick, etc. They didn't have reflective tape on, nothing. Just dark creatures running around. It's a shame when there are so many cheap flashing LED necklaces, etc, available to buy for those trick or treating.