Hardcore 6D thrower


Newly Enlightened
Oct 17, 2006
I'd like to try building a light with some really good throw for a themed "prison break" scout trip our group is putting on in feburary. It will be used for spotting "escapees" from long distances.
I want something fairly resonably priced, and prison looking :)

I was thinking

Maglite 6D
6 Nimh's
SMO reflector
Kai's aspherical lens + maybe som sort of protective bezel

But i'm not sure what bulb to use. A rop hi would fit the bill i geuss, but are there any other, more powerful options that will run on 7.2V?

Sugestions on the other parts are welcome too :)
Re: hardcore thrower 6D

Don't use the aspheric lens with an incansescent bulb. It won't work well.
Re: hardcore thrower 6D

Oh, well i geuss it'll just be a standard lens. Can you maybe recommend one. From what i've gathered the UCL from light hound is the best one around, is this true?
Re: hardcore thrower 6D

LukeAs right...its a very very unusual beam shape if paired with a reflector

if you want throw, consider a deep parabolic reflector
Re: hardcore thrower 6D

The Osram 64275 and the Philips 5761 both outshine the ROP-Hi. ROP-Hi is about 28W. The 5761 and 64275 are both in the 48W neighborhood. The 64275 needs regulation. The 5761 will work on rested NiMH Ds.
Re: hardcore thrower 6D

Oh, well i guess it'll just be a standard lens. Can you maybe recommend one. From what i've gathered the UCL from light hound is the best one around, is this true?

UCL transfers more light through the glass compared to Boro
But saying that UCL is easier to break, Boro is the stronger glass
Re: hardcore thrower 6D

The Osram 64275 and the Philips 5761 both outshine the ROP-Hi. ROP-Hi is about 28W. The 5761 and 64275 are both in the 48W neighborhood. The 64275 needs regulation. The 5761 will work on rested NiMH Ds.

Where can one find these bulbs?
I already have G4 socket adapter, glass lense and mop reflector from kaidomain.
I also have a 6D type3 annoed Maglite and 6 nimh batteries on the way for this.

Thanks. :)
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Re: hardcore thrower 6D

It's a brass bipin to pr adaptor.
I'm looking for around 500+ lumens, or so with this animal.
I'm almost thinking a WA 1274 for this, but if there is something better, or more readily available, I'm kinda leaning that way.
The 1185 will work better for you than the 5761. It's a 7 amp bulb that will dwarf the 1274. It may be too much for the bi-pin adapter.
The 1185 needs about 9.6 volts to work right.
A 6D with 6D nimhs won't be able to do that.
Which other bulbs besides an 1185 can be used with 7.2-8 volts?

Leds are my strong area, hotwires are my weak area. :help:
The 1185 needs about 9.6 volts to work right.
A 6D with 6D nimhs won't be able to do that.
Which other bulbs besides an 1185 can be used with 7.2-8 volts?

Leds are my strong area, hotwires are my weak area. :help:
Oh, that's right. Forgot about the 6Ds.
An ROP-Hi is 28 watts.
The 64250 is a 20W, 6V, 480lm, 100 hour bulb. AWRs hotrater shows that it rerates to 26W, 880lm, 11.5 hours. Search the forums for the 64250 to see how it works out.

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