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Has anyone seen the Peak catalog on CD?


Jan 16, 2005
Danville, KY
Yesterday I got a Peak 2006 catalog in the mail on CD. Yea, I know, 2006 instead of 2007, but it is way better than the website and it has all their current offerings with pictures, line drawings with dimensions, spread sheet order forms, brochures for each light, a Q&A, and a nice "flashlight facts" document.
Hopefully they will be getting their website updated with this stuff soon. There is a lot of good information.
All we need to go along with this information is a new offering :huh: . Or at least a teaser on a new offering. :popcorn:
It certainly is odd.

I've had a Baltic for almost 4 months now, and it is still not on the website!
I received one of these a few days ago, too. Kind of surprised me to get it. Guess they're sending them out to old customers. I haven't gotten any Peaks in over two years.

What Geoff said...the last Peak I bought was almost a year ago, but received a CD all the same.

Was seriously hoping to see some mention of a true two/multiple stage switch in the works, but I'm guessing the catalog was designed to simply showcase current product.
I received the CD, too. I'm an old Peak fan, so I appreciated the gesture. But, like you guys, I'm hoping to see Peak back a little closer to the "cutting edge" with some of the new emitters, multi-stage, etc. I also wish they'd update their website. :candle:
I was out of town yesterday and returned today to find two CD's in the mailbox. One first initial and one first name. I'll have to notify Peak to combine both ID's since it's the same address.

I also noticed a reference to a Peak Mauna Loa and a Peak Vesuvius. No details though. I'm hoping for a Cree X-RE in a Pacific head and multi-level. Maybe a clicky switch too.
It was a happy surprise when mine showed up! Sadly, I've been too busy until yesterday to take a look. Them seem to have a very genuine passion for what they are doing - they are not here to just make money but also to fill a very unique niche with all the options they offer. Can't wait to buy another.

Hopefully, the website updates are similar in content.
The part about golden bras made me laugh. (You know, the feminine undergarment. More than one of them.) I think it was in the Baltic document. (?)
I don't mean to throw any coals on a fire, but wouldn't it be FAR more effective and probably not a whole lot more expensive to just update the website with this (already digitized) info rather than individually shipping CDs to old customers? Am I making too much sense?
I got one too. Nice to reference without having to use the Web. I keep hoping they will do something in the multi-power settings area.

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