has everyone forgotten about photon?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 24, 2002
i have a photon II and it's great. i keep it on my keychain, never know it's there until i need it. waterproof(?) and cheap too.

it may not be as cool or quite as bright as the fancy smancy high dollar led's but it does the job everytime i ask it too. why spend alot of $$'s?
I love my photons. A green photon 2, a purple photon 2 and a blue photon 1 go with me on my key rings everywhere.

I have been playing with a purple photon 3 lately and like it a lot too.
revolvergeek...where'd you get your purple Photon II? I've been looking for one and can't seem to find one anywhere...Thanx in advance!

I have in front of me, two Photon II's in White that came in the mail today. I am sending them to my Mother for her keychain. In my pocket is an Arc-LE. Nothing against LRI but I like Arc better.
Agreed ... Carry a Photon I (only version that's waterproof or resistant?) everywhere on keychain in pocket and it gets banged around a lot and always works.
Our family has a whole variety of Photons and really like them! I just ordered a white Photon III.

For certain roles...you really can't beat a Photon (occasional use on your keychain is one of those IMHO).
I NEVER think about my Photon II, because it's ALWAYS on my keychain, and I don't count it toward the flashlights I carry, and I rarely use it. The Photon is my last-ditch, emergency light, and I take great comfort it being there. Though I don't use it - it's my MOST IMPORTANT LIGHT because it sits on my keychain prepared for the emergency which I pray never happens.

My EDC is usually either an ARC AAA, ARC LS1/CR123, or Surefire E2e; depending on the circumstances. I sleep with the ARC AAA clipped on my shorts.

The ARC uses AAA batteries which is compatable with my some of my remote controls, radios, other flashlights. So you won't be left without a good supply of backup batteries anywhere you go. Try getting a CR2032 at a 7-Eleven, a small country store, or borrowing a spare from a friend.
Originally posted by tkl:
what's the big deal with the arc?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">What *isn't* the big deal with the Arc AAA?

For my lifestyle, there isn't a better single LED light out there. Take an Arc and any other light hot-tubbing, then run them through the washer and dryer. Have your dog run around with them, play catch with them, hand them to a 2-year-old for a day's frivolity, flush them in the toilet, drive over them with the car, throw them to the ground to prove that a Minimag will break first. THEN you may appreciate the "big deal." I have probably 10 Photons around the house, but it is the Arc that I carry with me and use every day.

Here's what I did with my first AAA. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=001346
Why does one have to be better than the other? I can't live without either. The ARC is the BETTER light because of the battery, but like I said previously, the ARC is my MOST IMPORTANT light because it's always with me.
call me deranged but i can live without the arc. my photon serves me well for my led needs.

........running for cover!
tkl---These guys "forced" me to buy the AAA and they were right.
I have several Photons and I thought that they were great (small and easy to carry). The Photon, however, is UNREGULATED. After a minute or two of light the battery begins its slow and inevitable decline in voltage. The light output falls with the voltage.
The AAA, on the other hand, is REGULATED through a step-up circuit. The light output of the AAA stays constant up until the "near death" of the battery (what they call Moon Mode). The moon eventually fades to absolute battery death but gives you time to realize that you need a new battery.
I really like the AAA.---Marc
hmmm........where can i buy/see the arc aaa?

although, my photon seems fine after several minutes of use. will i be able to tell the difference? will it be worth the price?
Woah? How'd I miss this??

Boy Wonder here...

I don't know wher you are, but if you're in CA you can see an Arc AAA (Through it's packaging) at Frys electronics. That is the only store that carries them as far as I know.

You can see one here...right next to a Mag Solitare


The Photon will be brighter, on fresh batteries, than the Arc...at first. Leave them both on for about 10 minutes and THEN tell me which is brighter. Put a fresh battery in the Photon and a dead one in the Arc, leave them both on for about a half an hour and THEN tell me which is brighter...

In both cases the Arc will win.

Get one. Carry one. Love one. Won't regret it.
Originally posted by rodmeister:
Why does one have to be better than the other?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">One certainly does NOT have to be better than the other. That's just the way it works out.

They're different lights. I was just trying to point out my preference - your mileage may vary. Didn't mean to imply otherwise.

In MY life, the Arc AAA serves my needs better than any other light I'm aware of.