Has your EDC "stabilized"?


Nov 19, 2005
Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, Earth, USA, New England
It's funny, I've recently realized that my EDC items (flashlights and blades) have finally stabilized, I'm no longer buying new lights just to have something new, I've concentrated on actually *using* what I have, and I've found that my EDC has become rather predictable, in short, I've finally found what *works* for me.....

my EDC light arsenal has been reduced from an ungodly number of lights that I rotate through randomly whenever the whim strikes me, to two basic lights....

An Aviatrixed SureFire A2 Aviator, and a Novatac 120P, these two lights pretty much cover whatever illumination need I have, I have yet to encounter a situation requiring more than 120 lumens, when I need proper color rendition, the A2 is ready, when I need multiple variable levels of light, the 120P is available

I do have an Arc AAA-P DS on my keyring, and a Fenix E01 in my wallet as emergency backup lights, but have never needed to use them, so for all intents and purposes, they don't really count

and as far as knives go, I've been able to pare down my EDC blades to a Spyderco D4 Wave and a full-size Manix, yes I have other knives available, but the D4 and Manix fit my needs perfectly

I do have a few backups in my laptop bag, just in case, I have a Leatherman Surge, Byrd Wings, and Fenix L1T 2.0 Rebel, of those three, the Surge sees the most use when I'm repairing computers

Do you still change up your EDC gear, or have you achieved "stasis"?
My EDC items have definitely stabilized. I carry a Ra Twisty and a few Benchmade knives. I don't need anything fancy, I just need a few items that I know will work when the time comes.

It's funny how "naked" I feel if I forget one of my regular items. A while ago I forgot a knife. I realized it within a mile of my house and I really wanted to go back and get it but I was late and decided not to. I kept noticing that it wasn't there all day until I got back home. Three years ago I wasn't carrying a flashlight or a knife and now I feel so unprepared without them.
I have been on a continual quest it seems for the perfect EDC setup, and have tried and discarded a lot of approaches - but after some time I have managed to get a sense of what works, what is used, and what doesn't. A lot of this for me is driven by my work attire which doesn't permit a lot of EDC tools and techniques used by some (belt carry, cargo pants, etc...) so I have a focus on minimal EDC items and flexibility/usability.

These days about 90% of the time in addition to my keyring (Liteflux LF2 and SAK Minichamp) I'll have:

Novatac 85P and sometimes a Jil JCR2IT

Spyderco Native or Kershaw Scallion
Most Definitely!

Novatac 120P And Surefire E1B For My EDC Lights.

Leatherman Wave For EDC Knife/Tool.

I Have Been Carrying This Same Setup For About 6 Months Now.

Im Not Changing Anytime Soon Either.
I have stabilized also. I find myself grabin the 120p all the time, so I got rid of most of my other lights. I also carry a Mule on my jean pocket , nothing beats the full flood for quick area illumination. I'm still in search of the perfect EDC knife , but in the meantime the Boker Trance has faitfully served me well..
I am totally content with my Fenix P3D Q5 and L0D Q4 clipped to my pockets, and an E01 on a lanyard around my neck. Regarding (Spyderco) knives, I primarily rotate between a Dodo, SE Ladybug, and Spin; and a carbon fiber Calypso 3 and SE Cricket. I keep another E01 on my keychain along with a Leatherman Squirt.
My EDC has not stabilized yet but i plan on it happening very soon... I'm not too much of an impulse buyer so I like to REALLY look around before I buy things(definitely lights). I don't usually need lights TOO much in my everyday life but I do use them. I'm planning on buying the Fenix TK11/E01. For me these are the both of best worlds and I'm positive they will do what I need them to do. And then... hopefully I won't need to buy anymore EDC lights for a while.(but we all know that's not true:naughty:)
Definately, I've been on the same setup for a few months now. 120P clipped in my left pocket, Juice S2 in that pocket. Just this week i finally found a battery carrier for 1x123A that i like, so that's being thrown in. And a few months ago i switched to rechargables, but that's it, it works for everything i need.
No, not really. The most stable part is the Arc AAA on the keychain where it will stay for old times sake. An E01 is presently in the pocket, but that will eventually change. And, in the colder weather there might be a larger light in my coat. I'm still open for upgrades at any time.

Yep. The only thing I changed is I got a new pair of sunglasses. But it's been "stable" for 9 months now and I think it will stay that way.
As far as lights are concerned, I don't think I will be buying anything soon. Until 3 weeks ago, I was alternating my EDC between 6 lights. I then got a Nitecore D10 which became my EDC. Last week I got a NDI which is now alternating with the D10, though I think the NDI will be become my EDC.
For lights I'm content with either my TOP lx6ak2 or my Fenix L2D Q5 in my car is a 2d magled for my long running light and a mag solitaire not sure why though.For knives i carry either a Benchmade Griptillian 550 sheepsfoot blade thumb hole or my Kershaw Cyclone both great knives that are affordable use to carry a spyderco endura wave but that was stolen or misplaced?
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My EDC has stabilized to a large extent. I always have my Task Force on me at all times, and I also keep a large spotlight with me most of the time, like my 15mcp Thor, POB HID, or my rechargeable 3mcp Qbeam.

My other EDC is my Brinkmann Dual Krypton Spotlight, it is very small so I keep it with me most of the time.

The only 2 lights I plan on buying in the next few months to add to my EDC's are the Sunforce 40mcp HID and the Dorcy 220 Lumen rechargeable LED flashlight.
i am always stabilized, and always looking to enhance and upgrade :)

my gear:
- wallet
- cell phone
- keys + 3ft of paracord + Drake + Atwood Mini Prybaby XL
- Atwood Bermuda Triangle
- Mil-Tac TDP-1 Tactical Defense Pen
- book of matches in a small Ziploc bag (and most times a Bic lighter as well)
- Spyderco Spin
- Emerson HD-7 (outside of work only)
- Fenix E01 (work) or NiteCore Defender Infinity (outside of work)

really like my setup right now. everything is carried on my person in or clipped to pockets or IWB. very minimal and low profile. quiet, no clinking or jangling. carry my big 3 - knife, fire and light. with paracord, pry tool, screwdriver, and bottle opener as support. 2 different blunt impact tools/weapons. both lights have long runtimes, with the Drake as backup.

looking to upgrade the HD-7 to a Wilson Tactical Assisted RRF (or something else fast deploying, with a low ride pocket clip and ~4" or less length when closed), and the E01 to enriques new Mako hopefully (if the runtime is 20+ hours). also looking for something to replace the NDI, with a nice 100+ lm high and longer runtimes, but still in a small package (less than 3.75" x 0.8"). recommendations welcome!
Its been consistently
"E2E-BK" == E2D body and tailcap + E2e-BK bezel + EO-E1R + AW17670
"E2L" == L4 body + Z57 + KX2
L0D-CE Q4 [though I never actually uses it:ohgeez:
No. With regard to lights and knives I rotate about 6 in and out. Daily I look like this:

Glock 23 or Glock 19 Under Polo shirt IWB
Glock 22 or Glock 17 Under "Shoot me first" vest OWB in Comp-Tac paddle

Keltec P32 or Bersa Thunder Concealed Carry in left front pocket

E1B or Extreme or KL4 on FB-2 or E2DL on FB-2 clipped in R front pocket
Z2 modded with M60 and crenelated bezel in kydex under vest
L0D on key chain

If at work--Spyderco Navigator or Co-Pilot or Almite Walker in back pocket
If not at work-Benchmade D2 Griptilian or Mini-Manix in rear pocket AND Spyderco "Street Beat" horizontally on belt at 2:00 if wearing vest

Blackberry 8830 (work)
Blackberry Curve (Personal)

Xikar jet lighter

That about covers it....Um, and no I'm not a mall ninja or paranoid. I'm told I conceal this very well. I am a master class defensive pistol shooter, CHL holder, and 2 is 1 and 1 is none....
I've been carrying my L0D Q4 since sometime in the spring and my D10 since whenever they first shipped, with no intention of changing either one.

Started carrying a Leatherman in '88 and haven't been without one since, although I have worn out a few. Had a Super Leatherman for a few years in the mid 90's, but it's been a Wave since 2000 to present.

For knives I've been carrying the same Benchmade 705 since '99 and also a Presidio 525 since last spring too.

Of course I have also been carrying a P-38 since '74 or so!
Has my EDC stabilized? Yes, but only out of indecision.

It used to be that I carried one knife and one flashlight, and a multitool (among other things, such as keys and my wallet). But that was back in the days when I was just starting to get into knives and flashlights.

As I got more knives and flashlights, it became harder and harder to decide which to carry and use. I'd tend to switch things every week or so, or change depending on how well, for example, a knife would carry in a particular pair of pants.

Well, eventually I came to the point where I couldn't decide between two EDC items, and so in good EDC or flashaholic or whatever spirit you want to call it, I just decided to carry both. And that kept on happening.

Now I carry about five knives and five flashlights everyday. And I would likely carry more, but my pants/belt just won't support any more. Occasionally an item of EDC will change, but only if I know ahead of time that a particular cutting or lighting task will be required, for which I have a specific favored tool.

One of these days I hope to cut my EDC down by a few pounds, hopefully to just two knives and two lights, and maybe get myself into a rotation routine.
Aside from rotating the knives yeah, I carry only my surefire C2/M60 now. That will probably be it until a new L4 with 200+ lumens comes out, or a signifigantly brighter M60, like a z bin or something:party:

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