HDS 2 x 123/17670 Battery Case and Novatac EDC


Newly Enlightened
Dec 27, 2002
Cockeysville, MD
After many attempts to make the HDS 17670 battery tube work with my Novatac EDC, I finally stumbled on the KISS (Keep It Simple Stoopid!) solution. Instead of going through all of the gyrations of taking the Novatac switch module and removing the retaining ring and screwing it on the HDC tube, this approach yielded mixed results, just take the rubber bumper from the Novatac switch and super glue it to the HDS switch module. Viola! The switch works great and strong end strikes on the light won't allow the battery to break contact and plunge the light into darkness. Someone else probably already thought of this idea but it just dawned on my pea brain. Also, does anyone know how much extra run time an 1800 maH 17670 is going to give me over a standard primary 123?

My 2x123 HDS tube works with no problems on my Novatac.
I must have attached it at least 25 times with not 1 hiccup.

Thats odd

Your'e saying that if you rap your light against your palm when it is on, it won't cut off. Did you modify the spring at the back of the battery tube in any way?
Maybe I just got lucky. I even wacked it on my palm tonight a few times with no flicker. Anyone else care to chime in?
Maybe I just got lucky. I even wacked it on my palm tonight a few times with no flicker. Anyone else care to chime in?

If you're using a protected 17670 then the added length might just be enough to keep the spring from loosing contact.

Hogokansatsukan's solution is only to get 18650's to work in the tube it doesn't address the problem of rechargeable momentarily loosing contact at the positive end when the light is bumped.

I went back to using only 2x123s in the tube when I need 100% reliability. If I'm using the light as a utility light I'll use 18650s in it using my own spring.

Your'e saying that if you rap your light against your palm when it is on, it won't cut off. Did you modify the spring at the back of the battery tube in any way?

I took 2 magnetic spacers (got from DX) and put on battery. Solved this issue for me. Now it works great!
Maybe I just got lucky. I even wacked it on my palm tonight a few times with no flicker. Anyone else care to chime in?

Today I received my 17670 HDS tube for my Novatac 120T. put it together and works great.......I understand what is the issue here, I have tapped my hand to force the 17670 cell to move against the spring in the tailcap and this has worked, loosing contact at the "+" end long enough to reset. I fixed this by stretching the spring in the tailcap a little to put greater pressure on the cell. Tapped my hand again and this time nothing happened......problem fixed.
The 120P I'm using now is a late model with the second spring on the head end, problem solved by Novatac! Also using Hogo's brass strip for 18650's, perfect now.