HDS rotary Tactical pocket clip/kydex holster


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2022
I'm looking for a good pocket clip and not the kind that goes between the bezel and body. I don't like the one that HDS sells that attaches to the rotary knob via screw. Im looking to see what options anyone has done for a pocket clip and also interested in a kydex holster as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Check thread HDS systems #23 starting at post #365. I show a solution that works for me. Look through a couple of pages to get the full story.
Appreciate it Jon, however that was an old post and I'm way past that situation lol. I'm back on the Malkoff lights now
Appreciate it Jon, however that was an old post and I'm way past that situation lol. I'm back on the Malkoff lights now
Senior Moment.. I thought it was from this year.. lol

glad you are finding suitable options..
Senior Moment.. I thought it was from this year.. lol

glad you are finding suitable options..
Well I came across a very rare MDC head from 2018 that illumn and Gene produced. It's the 219b SW40 li-ion 3.4-6v 3 mode. It was my grail that I never knew existed until a couple guys hooked me up with one
219b SW40 li-ion 3.4-6v 3 mode.
Sounds great!
3 mode, LiIon, sw40,
and a screwed on pocket clip (it doesn't get much better than that)...
win, win, win, win ;-)

very happy for you,
a grail you never knew existed... lol
what a great feeling

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