Head upgrade for a Surefire L1 (gen2)

The most obvious upgrade is a gen3 Cree head for 80+ Lumens on high, but I don't think I've ever seen one on sale here or anywhere. You may have to get a whole new L1 with body attached :mecry:. Seen here on CPFMP for $95 just today! But the new body is shorter anyway, so you may like it then be able to sell the old one. Prolly cost you $25 to buy the new & sell the old one- cheaper than getting a new bezel.
early generation L1s have the driver built into the body, so the LED head is essentially a "dumb" direct-drive head, so finding a LED head upgrade for it seems difficult as most third-party light heads have built-in regulators. Adding a regulator on top of another regulator seems..dunno, seems out of place.

Last I remember there is some demand for old version L1s in the marketplace, I'd check there and consider options from there.
ALL current L1's (gen1, 2, and 3) are driver-in-body setup with 'dumb' heads. The upcoming LX1 will be the first to have driver in head.
early generation L1s have the driver built into the body, so the LED head is essentially a "dumb" direct-drive head...

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