I currently run two headlights on my 45-mile commute. One is a NiteRider Trail Rat Select, 15w halogen with a 4.0 Ah-6 Volt NiMH battery. The other is a Planet Bike Super Spot, 1w LED with rechargeable AAs.
I used to only use the LED, but there are areas along my commute where it does not give me enough light, especially if the pavement is wet. So I got the halogen which gives me plenty of light, but its runtime is too short for my ride to work, let alone the ride home. Travel time is 1.5 to 2.5 hours, each way and the Trail Rat claims to have a run time of over two hours, but I've found that it is done at just under an hour and a half. I think this is because the manual that came with it is for a Trail Rat II which comes with a 10w bulb.
So now I use the LED for most of my commute, it gives me enough light to ride on the street, as long as there are street lights. The halogen only gets kicked on when I'm in areas without street lights. Usually for about five minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening, (the sun comes up part way through my ride to work).
NiteRider does not make a dimmer switch or LED for this light. I think either one would allow me to drop the other light altogether. I'm hoping to extend the run time by either running the halogen at half or quarter power, (save for the aforementioned twenty minutes) or replacing the halogen with a 3w LED.
If either option doesn't allow me to make a full round trip, I can always keep another charger at my desk to charge it while I work.
Would a 3w LED give me as much light as the 15w halogen?
How much more efficient is a 3w LED than a 15w halogen?
I'm guessing I'll go with a modified u-bin.
I used to only use the LED, but there are areas along my commute where it does not give me enough light, especially if the pavement is wet. So I got the halogen which gives me plenty of light, but its runtime is too short for my ride to work, let alone the ride home. Travel time is 1.5 to 2.5 hours, each way and the Trail Rat claims to have a run time of over two hours, but I've found that it is done at just under an hour and a half. I think this is because the manual that came with it is for a Trail Rat II which comes with a 10w bulb.
So now I use the LED for most of my commute, it gives me enough light to ride on the street, as long as there are street lights. The halogen only gets kicked on when I'm in areas without street lights. Usually for about five minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening, (the sun comes up part way through my ride to work).
NiteRider does not make a dimmer switch or LED for this light. I think either one would allow me to drop the other light altogether. I'm hoping to extend the run time by either running the halogen at half or quarter power, (save for the aforementioned twenty minutes) or replacing the halogen with a 3w LED.
If either option doesn't allow me to make a full round trip, I can always keep another charger at my desk to charge it while I work.
Would a 3w LED give me as much light as the 15w halogen?
How much more efficient is a 3w LED than a 15w halogen?
I'm guessing I'll go with a modified u-bin.