Hello,New guy here


Aug 20, 2009
Hi,Im Doug from N.Y.I am amaised at the performance of the new flashlights lately and eager to upgrade and ADD to the old Maglights I own.

For starters I picked up a matte silver , Coleman LED Performance 3AAA light at walmart for $17.88 It is very bright and the compact /tactical size ,shape and feel are just great. Seems like money well spent so far.

In addition the upgrading the bulbs in my Maglight ,I came across a deal on a Coast led lenser P5 for $29.97 (dont they go for around $60) as well as a Coast dual color hunters torch for $19.97 They have not arrived here yet.

If those work out well,id like to look at one of the JetBeam Lights,maybe a Jet-III M .Thanks for checking my post.I really enjoy seeing all your awesome flashlights.
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The Coleman light has far brighter beam than my old Maglight.One will serve duty out in my garage where I have no lighting.No more dull orange light.YEAH:candle:

Early next week I should have the two Cost Led Lenser lights I ordered.

Last night I ordered an EagleTac P20A2 with the RGB kit and a Maratac 9290.I was very impressed how the Maratac can dial the brightness all the way down and how it will remain at the chosen setting after being turned off and on.That will be an extremely useful feature.

Both Nitecore and Fenix additions should round out my new collection for me.It will be fun to get them ligned up on the dresser to admire.Like my pocket knives,these lights are very handsome to look at.

Im sure Ill be back with questions.Thanks for your warm welcome to the site.
Ok so here is my purchase talley for this week.

A Coleman LED performance,Led Lenser P5,Led Lenser hunters torch,EagleTac P20A2,Maratac9290,Romisen RC-N3 II:paypal:
You bought 6 lights in one week- that's a good beginning, but when will you start to really like flashlights?

(Hint: take a peek at the Flashlight collecting forum.)
I have checked out the collection forum here and its just fantastic.
The Surefires and titanium collections among others are really great.

Ill be lucky to gather 12 or so which would probably be much more than I need.Hec,1 good modern flashlight can get you a long way through life.

" I do feel that flashlight fever commin on" lol
I never realised there were all these quality brands of lights.Never new they existed.

Im learning a lot as I go.Im sure ill pick up some of those in my next group of purchases.There are so many awesome.some lights to choose from.Ill try to advance to good quality items the best I can.