Help, cross threaded my RAW CR2


Jun 18, 2006
Cherryville, NC
I need suggestions on how to fix my RAW. It is the older, aluminum CR2 version. This was a bonus light that came with a RAW AL that I just picked up in the Marketplace. The head/ body had been cross threaded and was stuck. I managed to get it separated and I cleaned the threads. I tried putting some polishing compound on the threads and working it back and forth but that did not help. The head can be put on the body and turned about 3/4 of a revolution and then it stops. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Aluminum is pretty soft; if you grease the threads (not oil, grease) and carefully thread it the right way, you should be able to mush the threads back into the right shape if you grab and twist really hard a couple of times.
Thanks Fyrstormer. That did the trick! I'm now working the threads with some Mothers mag polish to slick them up and get rid of a couple of tight spots.