help deciding on LED light from dealextreme for gift

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Oct 29, 2008
Miami, FL
ive decided to get some of my friends an LED light as a gift for Christmas. I was thinking about ordering something from deal extreme, maybe something with a q5 led. Anything anyone can recommend? im looking to spend maybe 20 to 25 a piece, but if theres something cheaper that is a better deal then can go cheaper, but not looking to go over say $30.

Here are some I am liking:

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im thinking the only thing that is important is to get something you can use with regualr alkalines.
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As you are not prepared to go higher than $30!,I strongly suggest option two the MTE it's the best of the bunch,any better! dig deeper than $30 my friend ;)

[edit]Oh BTW hope that helps :twothumbs G7.
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ok, humor me, what is a decent light over $30 from the website?

i need to buy about 10, so I cant dig too deep, im not rich. :party:
i have a fenix and the light is beautiful, but im not spending 50-80 bucks a piece. what about this one? I think this is the coolest looking one.

[link removed - DM51]
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I like my WF-606A but surprisingly the quality has gone down from the silver Q2 version to the black Q5. In fact you can't tell the difference in brightness between the two, so I'd go with the silver version. But keep in mind that if whoever you give the light to fiddles with it like dismantling and reassembling the head too tight or without the plastic spacer between the reflector and led, the driver will burn out. So glue the head down before giving it.

Or better yet get a nicer light like the Ultrafire C3 stainless sku.11133 I'm not gonna post a link since the moderators don't like direct links. It costs about the same and I already gave one away, albeit with a sanded reflector to
make the light completely diffuse as it's going to be a night time reading light. Plus I used a polisher to give it the stainless a gleaming polished look. But it has a nice heft and the switch has a very luxurious feel to it, if you can describe pressing a switch as luxurious.
I gave my daughter a Ultrafire 602C , thing lasted about 1 month before the clicky fell apart. This is a common failure with these.

A gave the MTE you linked to replace it and it is good as new 6 months later. It isn't as bright though.
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