help identifying 3w "led star"


Newly Enlightened
Apr 29, 2007
hi, I've been lurking for a while and noticed some people here are scarily good at identifying leds just from pictures.
I've just got some from jaycar (in australia), and they're listed as "3W led stars", with no mention of manufacturer or spec sheet, and the guys I asked in store had no idea who made them. :confused:
They do sell luxeons too, but these were a bit cheaper and i figured i might as well start with them first in case i kill some.

unfortunately they seem to have put some kind of crud in the epoxy to tint the light, (this is MEANT to be the white variant :mad:)

thats not dirt on top of the epoxy btw, its actually embedded in it...

so anyway, any help figuring out what this is so i know how much voltage it can take would be a massive help.
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I don't know about identifying where it comes from, but it looks just like the 1W LED I got last year from Jaycar. It has about a 3.6V operating voltage, same as most star LEDs. I remember I trouble with the epoxy domes having flaws and imperfections (inclusions?). I took my first one back and looked through a lot before finding one that was OK. My conclusion is they're not high quality LEDs.

If you know it's a 3W LED then run it current-controlled accordingly, and make a few measurements with a multimeter.

BTW, I've also concluded that since DealExtreme sells Crees for about a third the price of the 3W Jaycar LEDs I'm quite happy experimenting with those instead. Single 3W Jaycar = NZ$23.90. 5 pack Cree from DX = NZ$37.60. And the Crees are significantly brighter at the same power.
Here is a good source of Led's that have worked fine for me. Their 1 watt led's work great, and the green is super bright too. I have driven the 1 watts near 700 ma.. 2x recommended with a good heatsink. I've also used their 3 watt Leds. Works great unregulated with an 18650 or 3 c-cells. THey also have $1 reflectors and plastic lenses and holders. THe 5 watt led's take 4 c-cells. Might as well get a cree at this point.
Yup, that is an Edison Opto 3W LED Star. The only one of their LEDs that I've used is the KLC8 (which uses the Cree die). The KLC8 has the yellow corona, which to me isn't bad once you get used to it. Eventhough yellow light isn't as visually appealing as white, I think it can be more useful when used outside. In the case of the KLC8 (since it's on the level with a CreeXRE and SSCP4), it has a really bright white hotspot and then the yellow corona. In certain reflectors, I've found that it works quite good. Since an Edison Opto emitters sit at the same height as a Luxeons, they focus really well in reflectors that were designed for Luxeons. For example, I recently put an EOKLC8 in my Blimp flashlight from DX and the results are fantastic. I originally tried both a CreeXRE and SSCP4 with the Blimp and both required extra work just to get them somewhat focused (without shaving the reflector or anything). I got the SSCP4 decently focused in it by using a washer under the star. The Edison Opto KLC8 went in as a direct swap with excellent results--tight focused white hotspot, yellow corona and excellent throw for a compact cheap flashlight. I think it's a matter a preference, but I've gotten used to the yellow corona. With that said, I think Edison Opto LEDs simply give us flashaholics another choice to play around with.

wow that was fast, awesome!
huge thanks guys/gals.

hiya torchboy, yeh just after posting this i had a look through the dealextreme site for the first time, holy cow they've got some awesome stuff.

previous times i've tried to have a look the site was pretty much unreachable due to a ddos or something?

anyway yeh i think i may be ordering a bunch of stuff from them pretty soon ;).
a luxeon has a black base and hexagon shaped emitter and phosphor
Image courtesy of user Kryosphinx

when you see a LED thats round and has multiple bond wires its not a luxeon
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The emitter in white housing is not a KLC-8, but an older version "High-Power-Led"

See Edison website for reference.

It could be either 1w, 3w or 5w version, but no way KLC-8
The emitter in white housing is not a KLC-8, but an older version "High-Power-Led"

See Edison website for reference.

It could be either 1w, 3w or 5w version, but no way KLC-8

I didn't say the one Oranac asked about is a KLC8, but that the only Edison Opto LED I've tried is the KLC8...and then going on to say that the KLC8 has a yellow corona too...