help me building a MAG HID!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
hi all,

My light related dream is to have a mag (as stelath as possible) with an HID bulb...

I know Mac used to sell his mini HID but I want to build it on my own :)rolleyes:)...

can anyone please give me some advice for this work?
I don't know absolutely nothing about HID bulbs (sometimes I read Ballast...what's that!:thinking::ohgeez:)...

my lights should be:
a modded mag-lite
3D size or smaller
standard switch ( probably without tower??)
not very powerful (10W as mac's hid is enough)
I already have reflector and lens so don't worry..
batteries are not a problem or nimh...battery carrier or battery pack...
runtime is quite important...1 hr 1/2 would be perfect but I'm OK with only 1 hr too

thanks in advance!
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The Welch-Allyn HID ballast is common to use for this conversion since it's already round in shape, and very close to drop-in fit for a Mag. But, it is not 100% drop-in, as the Mag's I.D. is a bit smaller than the O.D. of the ballast, so the Mag would have to be bored.

Then you'll probably want to use a battery that won't fit the standard Mag either, so it would have to be cut down, or you could use a spacer.

This could probably be done with hand tools, but for the $$$$ you'd be paying for the ballast and capsule I hope you have very steady hands. :)
do you know where I can buy WA ballast and a 10W HID bulb?

I'd like some suggestion about connecting switch/ballast/bulb...
Gary is correct. Here is another page that shows more of the build.

IMO it was fairly easy to assemble but that was because SL did a great job on making the parts for the kit. UFOkillerz offered a few runs of these. Most sold as TKs. I was one of the few that ordered it as a kit.

I'm glad I came across this thread, thanks. I've had an extra WA ballast sitting around for a long time that I need to do something with.
Ok....thanks for this info to all but I haven't solved my problem yet :sick2:

I tryed to understand something from that "How to..." web page and I discoverde that my work may be simplier because I don't have to short a mag or make a battery carrier...

do you know if someone sell ballast/starter with a sort of socket for HID bulbs?

If yes than will be easy to cut mag tower an connect +/- wires to the ballast..........won't it? :duh2::thinking:
are these kit still available? :thinking:

because I think not do you know if someone sells a sort of light engine composed by ballast and HID bulb that fit in the mag tube?
Filippo, please have a look on this site.



hi nereus...I have already seen that thread (see post #35 :rolleyes:)

I'd like to know if I can use an HID bulb without installing "that thing in the tailcap"..:duh2: I suppose it isn't the ballast :thinking:

how did you connected the switch to the lamp?

thank to all and excuse me for the huge quantity of questions, for my bad english, for my... :sick2:
There is a constant-voltage step-down converter in the tailcap. You can skip it and use 8 AA cells and direct drive to the ballast. The ballast is located in the very front of the flashlight body.

I connected the microswitch under the switch rubber to a mosfet in the tailcap.


I was thinking of doing this also, if i were to do direct drive on 8AA, Well first i noticed that in the pictures the top of the body inside was bored, How much material was bored, and what was the length of the cut?
thanks for your infos nereus...

I have some other question for you :ohgeez:

does the ballast have a built in socket for the bulb?
where did you get the ballast/bulb?
did you cut the tower of the mag switch?

thanks again!
anyone have a picture of WA 10w HID ballast?

maybe someone should start a groupbuy on this.
anyone have a picture of WA 10w HID ballast?




Ballast is 35mm in diameter. The ballast I have in the Mag is installed 16.1mm deep (measured from top of ballast's housing to the end of Mag the barrel) & has good focus.



Ballast is 35mm in diameter. The ballast I have in the Mag is installed 16.1mm deep (measured from top of ballast's housing to the end of Mag the barrel) & has good focus.

So its 16.1mm from the top of the ballast to the end of the body?? whats the total length of the of the 35mm bored section.

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