HELP me decide... D10 or EX10... Lithium or AA format?"

D10 or EX10 ? -or- Lithium-V-Nimh ??

  • D10--- Nimh and AAs rock da house ! (everyones house, everywhere)

    Votes: 35 55.6%
  • EX10--- Elitism rules and Nimh/Alkaline drools

    Votes: 23 36.5%
  • Quit whining, it doesn't matter, same light, different battery

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • another light, please be specific, not "those lights suck"

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Aug 29, 2007
Right behind you with a 6D Mag623 !!
I have some pretty bright lights already so no one say HID or it's the monkey poo for ya ! :duck:

I am not opposed to Fenix, but didn't see anything at DX that impressed me.

I may have to build it


1xAA and 2XAA capable
looking for a pocket light with option of longer run time

no half *** moon mode on 1XAA
I want some power on HI

I would like 3 modes HI-Mid-Lo
I don't want strobe/SOS/PMS/OCD/freak-27-mode in 26 groups or any crap like that
memory would be preferred but idiotproof not required

forward clicky

Cree Q5 would be good, unless there is something better
I will probably be picking one up on a 14mm board

I only say this because I hear VF may be a issue with some drivers an Q5X1AA

SO I need a body (going to look at Romisen)
a driver
an LED

some suggestions...........

thanks guys
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

o come on guys

don't make me go find all best parts at the best prices :mecry:

F-in DX never lists sizes on drives and crap too

nobody built themselves a single/double AA with just 3 modes?
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

$50? Add a few bucks and get yourself a NiteCore D10 or EX10. :poke:

PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :party::party::drunk::drunk::buddies::buddies: :santa:
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Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

Look in cpfmarket, someone is selling a Novatac 120P + 2 x AA tube
Might wanna look at that, Novatacs are great lights
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

sounds like you probably want a fenix L1d with the extension tube, but you'll have to go up to like....70 bucks I think, if you throw in the extension tube.
Although thats got a strobe and sos...... maybe the l2t? Although thats only Hi/Lo, well I think either of them are reasonable compromises. The Nitecore is of course nice but that is only a single AA.
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Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

I don't think 2AA is really necessary much any more. Just carry a spare AA, and voila, you've got longer run time.

Yes I love my 2AA L2D, it's ultra bright on Turbo, but my D10 on a single AA is more than sufficient for illumination 99% of the time.

I prefer a 1AA light + a spare AA, over the 2AA form factor for EDC.
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

This is the closet I could find.
Great throw, the best in it's class...really!
1xAA and you can get an optional 1xCR123 tube for 9 bucks.

Sorry, not 2xAA...but it's nice :twothumbs

actually that is pretty damn nice !
already has a Q5 too......:thumbsup:

ok, anyone else? :popcorn:
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

I don't think 2AA is really necessary much any more. Just carry a spare AA, and voila, you've got longer run time.

Yes I love my 2AA L2D, it's ultra bright on Turbo, but my D10 on a single AA is more than sufficient for illumination 99% of the time.

I prefer a 1AA light + a spare AA, over the 2AA form factor for EDC.

that is why I was saying optional extension tube
sometimes the 2aa is easier to hold/work with ect

just kind of wanted the option but not required
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

that is why I was saying optional extension tube
sometimes the 2aa is easier to hold/work with ect

just kind of wanted the option but not required
The knurling on the D10 makes it incredibly easy to hold, more so than any of the Fenix AA lights or the one on BatteryJunction.

And, I have a sneaking suspicion that NiteCore may be building upon the success of the Smart PD lights to build 2AA and 2CR123 versions. It's just too popular not to. So that could mean 2AA battery tube + PD for us.

Of course I don't want to speak for 4sevens or NiteCore, but I have a gut feeling. :popcorn:
Re: $50 B-day CA$H help build my new light,Q5+, 1AND2AA , bright on 1AA, FC,Hi-Lo, DI

went and looked at the NiteCore Defender Infinity

looking tempting

max output of 190 lm?

being a Q5 (like 230 max?) we must mean torch lumens?

I'm off to find a review of this light, and he cheapest place to get one.
$50 B-Day light-- PART II -- D10 or EX10 ? -- Lithium-V- Nimh

Thanks to all those who replied to my $50 B-Day light thread. :thumbsup:

Now it has come down to 2 choices.

EX10 OR D10

this will be EDC so I'm kinda hung up on the size/weight V easy to find batteries.

At this point I am leading towards the EX10 since it is smaller and lighter.

EX10---- good
1) I already have about 12 16340s
2) slightly smaller
3) slightly lighter
4) stainless bezel
5) equal performance on primaries (better actually)

1) exotic/expensive batteries if caught flat footed
2) maybe too short to hold in the hammer grip and adjust head (but is easily overcome with a lanyard)
3) xtra primary in pocket might short on something and grenade your nuts

D10--- good
1) I already have some Eneloops :twothumbs
2) seems like 10-20 minutes more run time on Nimh (vs ex10)
3) emergency batteries readily available everywhere except space and ocean floor
4) slightly longer = better grip

1) poop *** performance on primaries
2) slightly larger
3) AA is heavier than 123

other things I missed?

BTW, this will be my first high dollar light.
just the fact that I think it is high dollar should tell you something about my other lights.
Romisen something 2X123 with PWM so it has Hi and strobe
Romisen RC-H3
discount auto modded with SSC
6D Mag with 4 Emoli cells, MOP FDM reflector, KUI socket, 61458 (I think) for like 4200lm
ok so the last isn't junk :drool:

but my point is, I'm thinkin real hard about this
maybe too hard?
I want this light to be just right, with less BS geek factor.
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Re: $50 B-Day light-- PART II -- D10 or EX10 ? -- Lithium-V- Nimh

Humm, if you don't mind buying 14500s(AA sized Li-ion batteries) then the D10 would be the better choice. For normal AA batteries performance isn't bad.
Re: $50 B-Day light-- PART II -- D10 or EX10 ? -- Lithium-V- Nimh

I see your point, let me go see if the run time was better on 14500 than 2650maH Nimh.

also I don't have a charger set up for 14500, but could modify my Emoli charger I guess

is there a travel size charger for 14500?
Re: $50 B-Day light-- PART II -- D10 or EX10 ? -- Lithium-V- Nimh

looks like the D10 gets better run time with lithium
is the EX10 brighter on max?
seems like they are rated equal



looks like the D10 gets about 30 extra minutes at medium with lithium too

hmmm... gotta go look at eneloop #S


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Re: $50 B-Day light-- PART II -- D10 or EX10 ? -- Lithium-V- Nimh

I don't know why I'm even replying because I can not tell you which light to get. You see, I have both and can't make up my mind myself. I got the EX10 first and was very happy. Loved it! Then, decided I wanted a D10 cause it might be even better being slightly longer & thinner for holding and takes common batteries. When I received it, I was convinced it was the better of the two. For awhile. But,now, I find myself grabbing the EX10 more often than the D10. Something about the smaller size I guess. It carries a little better and is somewhat classier to boot. It's a little more impressive, I think. If that means anything to ya.

I'm sure I helped you alot here! ;)
Re: $50 B-Day light-- PART II -- D10 or EX10 ? -- Lithium-V- Nimh

I don't know why I'm even replying because I can not tell you which light to get. You see, I have both and can't make up my mind myself. I got the EX10 first and was very happy. Loved it! Then, decided I wanted a D10 cause it might be even better being slightly longer & thinner for holding and takes common batteries. When I received it, I was convinced it was the better of the two. For awhile. But,now, I find myself grabbing the EX10 more often than the D10. Something about the smaller size I guess. It carries a little better and is somewhat classier to boot. It's a little more impressive, I think. If that means anything to ya.

I'm sure I helped you alot here! ;)

sure you did
you made me feel better since we obviously have the same dilemma

here is the real question

is the EX better enough that you would cry if you only had the D10?

how do you carry?
in pocket, clip, other?