Help me decide what laser pointer to get


Dec 31, 2005
Laser newbie here. I would like a good quality laser pointer. I am thinking a green laser but I might settle for red. I don't want anything too powerful where I will blind myself if I accidentally shined it into my eye. I just want something to play around with

I think I read 5 mw was the most that is considered 'safe'?

I guess I am mostly asking for good brand names or companies that I could check out online.

Any help would be appreciated.
In the ad it says ""The brightest 5mW laser available." " What does that mean? If it is 5mW of 532nm green; there is no way to make it brighter... except to make it >5mW, right? :thinking:
I'll first admit I don't know a lot about lasers, but the ones that Luckyduck sells look like quality units to me.

Yes I do have one of the Jasper Always models thanks to the good German Doctor -who BTW actually knows Batman! :wave:(Inside joke...).
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