Help me find my first CR2 light.


Feb 10, 2010
St. Peters, MO
I am looking for as small as possible with the highest output. I already know of the Quark Mini CR2 but i am just wondering what other options are out there.

I am willing to spend around $100 but i would like to keep it around $50 as im not sure how i will like the CR2 based light yet.

I think it would be hard to beat the Quark Mini CR2 ,other option I can think of are Orb and I modded a Jil light to 150 lumens. CR 2 Super bright and super small= great EDC. For me I want to use rechargabes in any EDC.
The Quark MiNi CR2 is amazingly small bright with three modes. and hidden strobe. The medium output on li-ion is about 50 lumens, I've read. I think the high is well over 200 lumens, but it does get hot on li-ions so you can't use it for the full run time, although I've tested it. As I recall it got about 25-30 minutes on high. It also tailstands. I also have an Orb Raw and had to wait nearly a year for mine whereas the MiNi comes from 4 Sevens with a 10 year warranty and you'll get it in a matter of days. As mentioned above, it can be used with RCR CR2, despite what 4 Sevens says. That's how I use mine. It's the perfect pocket edc, IMHO.
I would like to be able to use li ion rechargeables with mine. Would it be safe to run the quark mini cr2 on medium and low with an rcr cr2?

Gosh, I'm only a newb, but I CAN respond to this one.

The Quark MiNi CR2 is phenominal. It's so tiny, I regard it a toy, and it's difficult to take it seriously when it feels like pointing a Tootsie Roll to light up something. But, it does throw a lot of light. IMHO, for a watch pocket-carry or around the neck, it can't be beat.

Don't laugh, but I also have the Coleman 2CR2 Max (115 lumens advertised) $24 at Walmart. Well built, small (but not tiny) and it pushes enough light for me. I just ordered another one for the wife's purse.

I'm struggling now between the V2 Catapult and the D mini VX Ultra for my next conquest, but that's another story.

Happy hunting.

If "smallest possible" over-rides other considerations, then get the Mini-cr2. But you'll end up doing what I did.....when I got my mini-cr2 it was out of my pocket and the mini-123 was back where it was before. Just not enough of a difference in size for the performance/run-time loss.
My vote is unreservedly for the Mini CR2. :twothumbs

Here's the Mini CR2 next to its bigger brother...

And here it is by itself in all its small glory...

In a line-up with the Mini CR2 and the EZ CR2 being last two on the right...
Don't laugh, but I also have the Coleman 2CR2 Max (115 lumens advertised) $24 at Walmart. Well built, small (but not tiny) and it pushes enough light for me. I just ordered another one for the wife's purse.

I have a 110 lumen 2x123 Coleman Max with adjustible flood/spot, and some of the Colemans at Wal-Mart are pretty good - especially for the money. Plus, its nice to just pick it up at the store w/o having to place an order and wait for it to be shipped.

I had the Coleman Max 115 lumen 2x123 model as well, but I returned it. While supposedly 5 lumens higher, it was actually much dimmer than the 110 lumen model
Thanks for all the help guys. I will be ordering a Mini CR2 tomorrow morning unless the is something just as bright but smaller.

4sevens Mini CR2 is actually an excellent choice:


I prefer the aluminum version because the threads are much nicer, the Ti one is a bit too gritty.

You may also wish to go through this thread to gather more information.
That Jil lite looks nice. I wonder how it compares to the Quark mini?
Are you refering to my chrome Jil? It has had its light engine upgraded ,and now puts out the front 150 lumens of warm tint on a rcr cr2.It has a perfectly smooth beam. The light engin was made by rob at lummi,and one of his custom reflectors. It is a cree xre q5 iirc.
Are you refering to my chrome Jil? It has had its light engine upgraded ,and now puts out the front 150 lumens of warm tint on a rcr cr2.It has a perfectly smooth beam. The light engin was made by rob at lummi,and one of his custom reflectors. It is a cree xre q5 iirc.

I was talking about this jil lite. But yours sounds even better.

EDIT: I was ready to buy the quark mini today and the more i thought about it the more i dont like how it starts out in low all the time. Is there anything just as bright and small that either starts in medium or has a memory function?

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