Help me on an EDC <60


Newly Enlightened
Aug 28, 2008
Well, basically i need an EDC. I have many criteria:

  • It should be <10cm long.
  • Durable.
  • Very bright/good light(etc) (priority one)
  • Decent runtime (priority two)
  • Modes are a plus, as long as they aren't too complex to use
  • Any type of battery is alright, i prefer AA or AAA. However if other batteries give significantly more light, ill go for them.(need to support rechargeables if its not AA/AAA)
  • Not too much spill, and not too much throw. Sort of in between ><. I dont really care that much about this..
Just by looking at all the top requirements, many EDCs come to mind that are <60. You must be wondering why i am posting this when there are similar threads. Yes i have done my research and i have seen many flashlights, but the thing is i dont want to spend double or triple the amount of money for only abit of added functionality.
Therefore my question is to recommend a flashflight fulfulling all requirements that is the best bang for the buck. (it is worth mentioning i live in Australia).
These are the torches i have considered:

  • Tiablo A1 (i would probably have gotten this before posting this thread, but in dealextreme it is backordered, and i decided to research further).
  • M839 Compact cree (DX $15)
  • Fenix L0D Q4
  • KD Buckle(hearing many ppl saying it broke after a fall ><)
  • Nitecore D10
  • MTE Cree Q5 (c3 70101 -5 mode)
  • Microstream streamlight -very positive reviews, but because i live in Australia, the cheapest place i could find it was for $39 shipped(do you know any cheaper place?), and i was reluctant to pay double what others are paying. If it is really that good maybe i will still buy it.
I have also found a few other CR123A powered EDCs, but i haven't done much research on this. Besides i prefer AA or AAA. Anyway:

  • Ultrafire EMR1 Rebel LED 5-Mode Flashlight - Seems to be very bright ><
  • Fenix L1D/P1D/P2D ??? dont know much about these. How do they compare against the others i mentioned ><
Anyway out of all the ones i mentioned/Plus others, which ones are the best bang for the buck, keeping in mind i PREFER(but not necessarily) to have modes and be AA/AAA powered.

Ive heard ppl say that tiablo A1 is brighter than L0D Q4, but how does it compare to nitecore d10 and microstream streamlight? I can get it for 38 from kaidomain instead of waiting for DX to stock, but is it worth it? Anyway thanks.

Edit: found some more:

  • Ultrafire C3 Cree Q5 5-Mode
  • GREE-Cree P4
  • UltraFire C3 Stainless Steel Cree P4 LED Flashlight
  • TrustFire TR-801 Cree Q5-WC
  • Ultrafire WF-C6 Cree Flashlight
  • C-02 Cree P4 LED Flashlight
Zzz too many choices and not sure what to buy
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It does seem to be the most popular choice, but why? Is it so much better than the others that i have to pay double for it?
Buy it, test it, play around with it, carry it. If you don't like it just sell it, you'll only loose a few $$, but you'll know the light better than just read about it.
The D10 would be a good choice, the L0D is very small but not quite as bright as the D10 nor does it have as good a runtime. The P1D is very bright and the runtime is good enough but it lacks some of the features of the EX10/D10 if that is important to you.

I have a couple of Ultrafire C3s and the quality is not up to that of those I mentioned above.
LiteFlux LF5XT is an other option keep researching :thinking: ;)
The AAA Tiablos are unreliable for EDC stick to AA or 123`s for good run time
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I like the LOD Q4 for an EDC. It is a single AAA light, multi modes. It puts out a very usable amount of light, and you barely know it's in your pocket.

The question of which battery is about brightness and runtime, but also very much about which bulk you are willing to have in your EDC.

If you're not willing to always have an AA light on your person (the smallest form factor probably being the D10), I would go for an AAA based light. The trick of EDC is to always have it on you.

So, depending on the bulk, I would recommend the LOD-Q4 or the Nitecore D10. Quality is pretty much undebated, and int. shipping is free if you buy from 4sevens. Also very good customer service. I have them both and love them & use them a lot.:thumbsup:

To Tony M - Hmm thx for the info about P1D, it deserves some research. No i dont care about some missing features

To cree8- Liteflux LF5XT is for 70+?

To Doubledutch-i dont care about the weight.Shouldn't be too wide, and not more than 9.5cm long. Therefore AA(and other types) are an option for me.

TO gunner12- OMG I MISSED OUT ON THE ITP BY 1 HOUR hahahahah. Checked this thread at 1am september 1st, last day for preorder waS 31( or was it 30) august><

To cosmo7809- Hmm. Thx- Ill do abit more research in chargers/batteries and then decide whether its worth it :)

Thanks for all the responses - But no-one really said anything about the el-cheapo dealextreme ones lol - Like i said in the first post, i want to save costs if possible. Are these expensive ones really that superior ? The edc doesn't need to be indestructible, its going to be casually used.
I have an A1 and a D10. I'd recommend the D10 for EDC. A1 is single mode and not as bright. It's a good little light, but just not as versitle as the D10.
Thanks for all the responses - But no-one really said anything about the el-cheapo dealextreme ones lol - Like i said in the first post, i want to save costs if possible. Are these expensive ones really that superior ? The edc doesn't need to be indestructible, its going to be casually used.

My experience with cheapo lights is that when using them, pretty soon there appears to be some constructional flaw, which hinders normal use and reliability.

Either flakey contacts, lack of water resistance, bad alignment, heat problems, dying led's, over- or underperforming/heating led's, soft or no anodizing etc.

These are not indestructible, they destruct themselves.:poof:

My advice: spend a little more money, and enjoy the light tenfold.

It's not a choice between cheapo or Surefire: many brands have come up with very good and affordable lights.

I am somewhat ocd and your list of preferences made me dizzy, but I understand :)
This may not meet them all but I have one and can say it is a fine light and they are on sale this month, have you thought about a Proton Pro? Similar to Nitecore in features and less money at the sale price.
The D10, which I EDC, is a nice flashlight. One of the things I like about it is that you don't have to twist the head to change its output. Its functions are all controlled through the piston (unless you want momentary). Personally, I think it's worth the $60.
expect an overwhelming recommendation for the d10/ex10. and for good reason. the reasons are mainly because its a kick *** light. but the best selling point for me is thier customer service and honesty. you came here for advice. most of these guys (myself NOT included) know far more about flashlights then anyone else. i have never been steered wrong here.
Fenix LOD Q4. Attach it to your keys and you always have a great light. Use a 10440 lithium battery and you will have the brightest pocket rocket around.

As much as I love my D10 and as much as it is the little darling of CPF right now, the LOD's tiny size on my keychain makes sure that I actually to EDC this light.
Another L0D Q4.

As much as I like my other lights, the size is really a factor. Even the 1xAA lights are huge in comparison. The little L0D Q4 gives all the light you really need with plenty of runtime, and it's small enough to forget about in your pocket.

While the AA lights are still fairly small, they aren't nearly as pocket able.

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