Help me pick my next EDC light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
My budget is $60 and I know there are many fine lites in this segment. Something super bright, small and Cree.

I kind of narrowed down my choice to:

Fenix L2D CE - Uses AA cells, a plus. But how much brighter is it than say 2AA Mini Mag?

Fenix p3D - uses these weird CR123 cells that I don't have, is there a NiMH version available?
Again, how much brigher than MiniMag? How much brighter than L2D ce?

Fenix P1 also looks very interesting.

One of these Orb CR2 lites. Even more expensive, available from UK. How bright? How's the run time? Is there a 2 cell version? Seems pretty small. It's essential to get a rechargable CR2 cell.

The custom 3AAA "lenser", the output seems to be insane, the run time is poor, but how easy to EDC?
I have some AAA Eneloops laying around that I need a light for.
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Personally, I think either the Fenix L1D-CE or the L2D-CE with rechargeable AA NiMh batteries is your best bet. Both are much brighter than a mini-mag 2xAA light. You might also want to visit this site:

Oh..... Fenix also makes the LOD CE..... a nice, bright, Cree based AAA light that would run well on your AAA Eneloops. Happy hunting!
The l2d is too long and looks silly, you'll have problems stuffing it into your pockets, go with p3d and get a 2 pairs of rcr123 or whatever they call the new cells with a nano charger
The L2D-CE rates among my favorite lights. It completely blows Mini-Mags out of the water, LED or not. If you don't want to use CR123A cells then you are not missing out on too much if you pick the L2D over the P2D
My budget is $60 ...

Fenix L2D CE - Uses AA cells, but plus. But how much brighter is it than say 2AA Mini Mag?

When you ask for compairisons with a 2AA Mini Mag, it's pretty obvious that you haven't had a chance to see any of these lights up close.

Boy do you have a big surprise coming!!!

If that's a standard incandecent bulb, 2AA Mini Mag we're talking about, then it's not even a contest, as even the tiny little single AAA L0D CE blows away the 2AA Minimag by such a HUGE margin that it isn't even close.

Of the lights you listed, I really like the L2D, but the L2D is (to my tastes) overkill for EDC. (True, this light will blow away multi-D-cell Mag Lights, but it's a bit larger than I would consider for EDC) .

For Sixty bucks plus or minus I would go with a L0D-CE single AAA (small enough to actually fit in your pocket) and add a Jetbeam C-LE (which runs on a single AA).

The L0D-CE is only a little over 42 bucks with the 8 percent CPF discount at the FenixStore (shipped).

If you add only a few bucks to the money you have left over you can also get a nice JetBeam C-LE from Emilions for another 20 bucks (plus a couple bucks shipping) [Note that you have to get your login upgraded by E-mailing Emilion your CPF ID to get the 20 dollar price].

While most don't put the Jetbeam in quite the same class as the Fenix lights, I was really impressed when I got the C-LE. The build quality on my light was great, runtimes and output are also quite good and the light is a real looker (actually on that score it beats all the Fenix lights in my opinion).

One trap we all fall into here on the CPF is getting hyper-technical and comparing lights to each other without taking into accounts their merits on their own.

For example the JetBeam C-LE doesn't have quite as much output as an L2D, but it beats the crap out of most standard 2 D-Cell flashlights for total output and does it in a tiny 1 AA cell light that will disappear in your hand if you close it. Run time is a generous 2 hours even on the brightest mode, with no loss of output, and there is a low mode that is still bright enough to read by that runs 24 hours or more. By comparison, a standard 2 D-Cell mag light, puts out less total light and runs less than an hour (with the output dropping all the way).

The Jetbeam C-LE is a 'Twisty' (as is the Fenix L0D), but this helps make both lights very small. This is particularly important for the C-LE because It's just about the only AA light that I actually consider small enough for EDC use (The fact that it's a Twisty Switch makes it juat about the smallest multi-mode AA light available).

So though, L0D is not the flame thrower that the L2D is, it's a lot more practical as an EDC light, and the little Jetbeam C-LE is a bit closer to the L2D, and has more than enough output to do the job as an EDC light for those times when you need just a bit more output or runtime.

Look at it this way, as I said above, the Jetbeam C-LE's total light output easily blows away most standard bulb 2 D-Cell flashlights (yes I said D-CELL), so how much brighter does it have to be?

So unless you are just wanting to impress other CPF members, you don't really need to spend big bucks (and deal with strange batteries) to get the absolute maximum lumens, as almost any of the good quality CREE based lights will be more than enough to do the job as an EDC light.

So why pick the Fenix L0D-CE, and Jetbeam C-LE?

These lights are recommended because they are not only more than bright enough to do the job, but their SIZE is 'best in class', which is pretty important if you want to lug them around every single day.

I don't think you will find many other lights that are this bright with the same features that are this small.

Both lights are really rugged, (read the post from the guy that just ran his L0D through the washing machine) and trust me, if you are comparing them to a Mag Light, you will be AMAZED at how bright they are.

This would give you a VERY VERY respectable key-chain light (Fenix L0D), plus a slightly larger light with a bit more output on high and a nice 24 hour plus low mode for when it's needed.

As a HUGE bonus both lights have EXACTLY the same user interface (twisty with the same exact mode sequence), so once you get used to either of them, you will not have to make any adjustments when useing the other one.

To get both you would be out about 65 bucks, so I hope you don't take offense that I blew your budget, but these two lights deliver a lot of bang for the buck, so that's how I would spend the money.
Very well put Luminescent. +1 on all that. I've had the Jetbeam C-LE in my pocket since it first came out, and for the money, it really is a super-duper pocket light. So for $65, The Jetbeam C-LE and the Fenix LOD-CE are 2 excellent recommendations.

Oh...... greenstuffs........ I must admit, when I first saw the L2D-CE I thought it looked silly too .... but after reading for months how everybody liked it I got one anyway and ended up wrapping a piece of bicycle tire inner tube around the middle for better grip..... and trust me.... it's one of the best values out there for a bright, long running light.

My only caveat about the Jetbeam C-LE would be that most of the ones I've heard about (mine included), needed to have the threads cleaned and lubed before using. But that's a small price to pay for such a great little pocket light.
Have you considered the Fenix P2D?Much more pocketable than the P3D or L2D and still just about as bright.You would lose runtime but your only using one battery compared to two in the other lights.I don't have any experience with the Jetbeam but I agree with Luminescent on the LOD CE.I bought my LOD CE at the same as my P2D thinking it would be a backup EDC.The LOD CE's performance is so good and it is so unobtrusive clipped inside my pocket that I carry it more than the P2D.Any of these lights will blow away a standard Mini-Mag. :grin2:
I love my Fenix P2D. I personally wouldn't get rechargable 123's for this, as I really want the Low mode and the rechargable 123's don't give you a low mode (long explaination...)

You can get cheap 123 cells for $1, or you can buy in small bulk and get the really nice Energizer E2's for around $1.62/pc for 16 cells. You can search for "p2d runtime" to see the runtime on these cells, it's very impressive.

I don't think you want to EDC a 2 AA light. And personally a 1 AAA or 1 AA light doesn't quite have the beam I want (reflector is quite small) but the output is impressive.

Personally, I think either the Fenix L1D-CE or the L2D-CE with rechargeable AA NiMh batteries is your best bet. Both are much brighter than a mini-mag 2xAA light. You might also want to visit this site:

Derek Dean,

Already looked at flashlightreviews, and they don't have a review of a 2AA Fenix Cree (L2D model), nor do they have the Orb that uses CR2. It doesn't look like they have any Cree lights at all. Besides, they are closing.


I meant the MiniMag LED that you can get in every Wally Worlde for nineteen ninety nine special. I got both 2AA and 3AA, then lost 2AA, and had no luck EDC-ing the 3AA Mini Mag. Too long. Need something smaller.

Mini Mag LED is OK, but not in the "wow" category.

But you are right, the 1AAA Fenix is an interesting idea. Can it really do 50 Lumens?

L1D CE sounds better still due to being able to use AA that I have for everything, but is the 80 Lumens claim legit?

What about Fenix L1D CE (1AA) vs. L2D (2AA)?
How much brighter is Fenix L2D (2AA Cree) Vs. the old MiniMag 3W LED 2AA?

If it's any brighter at all, that's what I will get, plus maybe the 1AAA Cree version.
Already looked at flashlightreviews, and they don't have a review of a 2AA Fenix Cree (L2D model), nor do they have the Orb that uses CR2. It doesn't look like they have any Cree lights at all. Besides, they are closing.

All of the data you are asking for is available at

Under the menu, go to Reviews - Main Index - All Lights to end up here
Scroll down to "F" for Fenix, any model listed with a CE has a Cree in it.

Here is the L1D-CE/L2D-CE review:
Compare to the Minimag LED

The L2D on max was measured at an overall output of 88.00, compared to the Minimag at 27.30. The L2D is much brighter, is regulated, and offers multiple output levels.

Read here for an explanation of output and throw numbers and conversion to estimated lumens:

The review of the L0D-CE

Runtime plots and lumens estimations from Chevrofreak:
I am relatively new to this, but I can appreciate the value of a good Lego set.

I originally bought an L2DCE, and then an L1DCE body for EDC. Losing the Turbo mode was sad, but it's still plenty bright for what I need it to do.

If I really want to, I can always get a P2D body/switch and carry it like that.

The sheer number of options available for the P2D/L1D/L2D CE series is yet another reason to choose this light above others.
Sorry, etc,

You didn't make it clear at first that you wanted comparisons to the 3W mag LED.

That light has poor regulation, but obviously it IS at least an LED light designed in THIS century, so my comparisons to STANDARD incandescent type Mag Lights may have not been what you were looking for (though they are still valid, as ANY halfway decent LED light will blow away incandescent lights that were considered quite usable a few years ago).

The L2D you were considering has more than double the throw on MAX and several times the overall output, so it's still safe to say that it 'blows away' the 3W Mini Mag LED quite handily.

If you check out the links that EssLight was nice enough to post, you will see that well designed single AA CREE lights like the L1D will STILL easily beat even the 3W mag LED on both THROW and TOTAL OUTPUT, (even though the L1D uses only ONE AA battery).

In fact, even the tiny little single AAA L0D-CE beats the 3W Mag LED on total overall output on it's high setting (though not on 'Throw' because of it's much tinier reflector), so for close up tasks (like finding something in the trunk of your car or changing a tire at night), the L0D-CE is actually the superior light. Pretty impressive for a tiny AAA light that is maybe 1/2 the hight width and depth (that's 1/8 the total volume). You can follow the above links to the L0D-CE review at the flashlight-review web site, and they have a nice side by side size compairison of the L0D and standard Mag AA so you can see just how small the L0D-CE really is.

For what it's worth, I think the 3W AA you are using as a basis of comparison, is by far the best of the 'Mag Light' models, but that isn't saying much, because, I haven't been very impressed with Mag Light for many years. It took those idiots forever to wake up and realize that LED's weren't going to 'go-away' so they could just keep selling their SOS (Same Old S#%T) models till doomsday. Of course the official story would be something like "We had to wait till the technology was there to do an LED light that would meet Mag Lights high standards". But the truth is for most of their models, they just shoved in a really crappy, poorly designed LED conversion bulb (Poor efficiency, LOTS of thermal problems), and went right back to their SOS policy. Great work guys, god forbid that you should actually INNOVATE (like Fenix, JetBeam etc.)

I stand by my prediction that if your basis for comparison is a 'Mini Mag' model (even the LED version), you will be very impressed with just about ANY of the Fenix Models (or the JetBeam C-LE).

So, unless you are one of those folks here that measure the size of your genitalia by how many lumens your light can kick out, there is really no reason to go with a pocket cannon like the L2D, as the smaller single AA L1D has both more throw and MUCH more total output (in half the size) vs. the light you are using as a basis for comparison.

If you can live with about the same throw (but much MORE overall output than a 3W Mag LED), then the Jetbeam C-LE is still a good bet as it is both smaller and less than half the cost of the Fenix lights.

If you would like a really tiny 'pocket cannon' light and can live with a light with slightly less throw than a 3W Mag LED, (but again, surprisingly MORE overall output), then I would still consider the L0D-CE.

For total 'head turning' 'Wow! Factor' it's hard to beat L0D-CE. It is certainly one of Fenix's most impressive lights when you consider output vs. size. Literally everyone who sees one, wants one (at least until they hear about the 40 dollar plus price tag. It unfortunately takes a connoisseur to be willing to shell out that kind of money for a pocket light. Fenix lights are well engineered, so they obviously have some smart people working there, but thus far at least they have been too dumb to figure out that the little L0D-CE light is soooo cute that if they priced it at something like 29.95 they could break into the mass market and easily sell ten times the number of units, and even at slightly less profit per light they would make tons more money overall.) :(
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I know Fenix is hard to beat for the money and the LOD-CE is very easy to EDC light but also consider Lumapower and their LM301(uses 1AA) and LM303(uses 1 CR123a) series with the new Seoul SSC LED. From the reviews in the "Review" section, looks good to go! You could get both of them with your budget.

BTW, the LM LM series looks like its a little floodier then normal with still some throw. Don't know if you want throw or flood in a beam.
Doing some quick tests, and using the Fenix CE's advertized run times, vs. my tested MiniMagLED lights' 4.5 to 5 hours run time(alkaline batts):

The MiniMag LED's beam is between the L0D-CE's medium and high beams, which either give you a slightly reduced (3.5 hours for medium) or a greatly reduced run time.(1hr for high) But if you can get away with the L0D's low, you get a much better run time of 8.5 hours. The L0D is also *very* pocketable.

The L1D & L2D-CE 's medium setting is aproximately comparable to the MiniMag LED's beam. With the L1D you get a comparable run time of 5 hours, but the L2D gives you double the run time at 10.5 hours. And you can get much dimmer beams with much longer run time or much brighter beams with a correspondingly shorter run time.
And you can kinda cheat with the L1D. It may be inadvisable to do this, and it would certainly void the light warranty and any implied battery warranty. But I've removed the outer housing on a Duracell 6V lithium photo battery to get the two 3V AA sized batteries. The L1D's head is same as an L2D's it will tolerate the 3 volts and be just as bright as the L2D, with half again the run time you'd get with a single AA.(I've tested this, only on high so far.) So you get the same brightness as an L2D, that has about about 75% of the run time, with an L1D form factor. Has anyone else done this? Any advice and/or warnings?

Anyway, the Fenixes are very flexible.(light level vs. run time) If you want to pocket carry, I'd go with the L0D or L1D, if you don't mind a sheath I'd go with the L1D or L2D. The L1D is *very* unobtrusive if you sheath carry it. Mine takes up negligible room beside my (2004 model) Leatherman Wave sheath. It's almost as if it isn't there. But an L0D would fit in one of the Leatherman sheath's side pockets(nylon sheath only) and for all practical purposes take up no more room at all. For me the deciding factor would be if you want a really long run time or a really small light. I obviously couldn't decide and picked them all.(Got the P1D-CE also.) ;) And I have 5 Fenixes, and 0 problems. And if you buy from the Fenix Store, they'll give you excellent service and pretty much the equivalent of an extended warranty.

Good luck with whatever you pick.
You said your price was $60 - can you go up to $66?? If so, get the L1D CE w/ textured reflector and get a spare body + tailcap for the P2D. Then you can always have a super small light. I originally ordered the L1D CE myself, and got the L2D body - but it is too big for everyday I got some Titanium CR123's from Amondotech and the P2D body + tailcap. I EDC the P2D - first flashlight I have ever EDC'ed. It's just so light, and bright, and excellent fit and finish I keep the spare L1D body and tailcap in the holster with an Eneloop NiMH.
And the winner is --- I orderd Fenix Cree with 2AA cells.
(I get very confused by all these Alphabet designations) L2D it is.

I might still get their 1AAA cell with Cree, but am concerned about complicating the supplies.

Here is the deal, I have standardized on AA cells.

I also have a single device (Not a light) that uses CR2, which I don't like (Weird, expensive, hard to obtain cell, $8 each in the grocery story - while I did get a large pack off flebay for about ~ $1 each, still....)

Introducing a 123 cell lite to this would make a mess. AA is better, plus I have a ton of AA NiMH, Eneloops and others ones too.

I was hoping to find a nice small 2 o 1 cell CR2 Cree light but the ones I saw very expensive at that. That Orb light for example. What's up with CR2 lightes on Fenix site that were $150 each??? You have got to be kidding.

Also, I tried really hard to EDC a 3AA MagLite, what a pain. It's really to long to do discreetly, need a holster. 2AA was better, but had the well known sudden cut-off issue and not as bright. I think I will give my 3AA away as a gift.
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