Sorry, etc,
You didn't make it clear at first that you wanted comparisons to the 3W mag LED.
That light has poor regulation, but obviously it IS at least an LED light designed in THIS century, so my comparisons to STANDARD incandescent type Mag Lights may have not been what you were looking for (though they are still valid, as ANY halfway decent LED light will blow away incandescent lights that were considered quite usable a few years ago).
The L2D you were considering has more than double the throw on MAX and several times the overall output, so it's still safe to say that it 'blows away' the 3W Mini Mag LED quite handily.
If you check out the links that EssLight was nice enough to post, you will see that well designed single AA CREE lights like the L1D will STILL easily beat even the 3W mag LED on both THROW and TOTAL OUTPUT, (even though the L1D uses only ONE AA battery).
In fact, even the tiny little single AAA L0D-CE beats the 3W Mag LED on total overall output on it's high setting (though not on 'Throw' because of it's much tinier reflector), so for close up tasks (like finding something in the trunk of your car or changing a tire at night), the L0D-CE is actually the superior light. Pretty impressive for a tiny AAA light that is maybe 1/2 the hight width and depth (that's 1/8 the total volume). You can follow the above links to the L0D-CE review at the flashlight-review web site, and they have a nice side by side size compairison of the L0D and standard Mag AA so you can see just how small the L0D-CE really is.
For what it's worth, I think the 3W AA you are using as a basis of comparison, is by far the best of the 'Mag Light' models, but that isn't saying much, because, I haven't been very impressed with Mag Light for many years. It took those idiots forever to wake up and realize that LED's weren't going to 'go-away' so they could just keep selling their SOS (Same Old S#%T) models till doomsday. Of course the official story would be something like "We had to wait till the technology was there to do an LED light that would meet Mag Lights high standards". But the truth is for most of their models, they just shoved in a really crappy, poorly designed LED conversion bulb (Poor efficiency, LOTS of thermal problems), and went right back to their SOS policy. Great work guys, god forbid that you should actually INNOVATE (like Fenix, JetBeam etc.)
I stand by my prediction that if your basis for comparison is a 'Mini Mag' model (even the LED version), you will be very impressed with just about ANY of the Fenix Models (or the JetBeam C-LE).
So, unless you are one of those folks here that measure the size of your genitalia by how many lumens your light can kick out, there is really no reason to go with a pocket cannon like the L2D, as the smaller single AA L1D has both more throw and MUCH more total output (in half the size) vs. the light you are using as a basis for comparison.
If you can live with about the same throw (but much MORE overall output than a 3W Mag LED), then the Jetbeam C-LE is still a good bet as it is both smaller and less than half the cost of the Fenix lights.
If you would like a really tiny 'pocket cannon' light and can live with a light with slightly less throw than a 3W Mag LED, (but again, surprisingly MORE overall output), then I would still consider the L0D-CE.
For total 'head turning' 'Wow! Factor' it's hard to beat L0D-CE. It is certainly one of Fenix's most impressive lights when you consider output vs. size. Literally everyone who sees one, wants one (at least until they hear about the 40 dollar plus price tag. It unfortunately takes a connoisseur to be willing to shell out that kind of money for a pocket light. Fenix lights are well engineered, so they obviously have some smart people working there, but thus far at least they have been too dumb to figure out that the little L0D-CE light is soooo cute that if they priced it at something like 29.95 they could break into the mass market and easily sell ten times the number of units, and even at slightly less profit per light they would make tons more money overall.)