Help me spend my $50 gift certificate to eBay


Feb 12, 2007
:wave: I'm a new flashlight geek. What's a good deal on eBay for my new hobby? I have a $50 gift certificate to spend :)

I have:
* old school 2D, 3D, 2AA and 2AAA Mag-Lites
* Two StreamLight Twin-Task 1L's
* Twelve NEBO 8-LED/Laser 3AAA's
* Two Rexlight 2.0's on order from Kai
* Fenix L1D-CE, L2D-CE and L0D-CE
* A La Crosse BC-900 charger
* A Nano AAA charger and two 10440's Li-Ions on order
* An UltraFire charager and two protected 14500's on order
* A slew of AA and AAA NiMH rechargables (800-2700mAh)

What's next??? :laughing:

Gotta provide me a direct link to the eBay auction(s)! :rock:
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Ultrafire C2, 18650 batteries(protected) and recharger. The C2 is a great light, lots of throw and good spill too. Reviews can be found in the reviews section and here.
Ebay Link, a little above $50 but comes with everything.
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not2bright said:
Put a little more with it and buy yourself a Surefire.

Everyone should own at least one. :grin2:

Good idea -- I need a link :)
Maglites that are 2C sized and modded with LEDs (SSC-Seoul Semiconductor), not sure about ROP though. Iam sure someone can fill you in.

BTW Welcome to CPF. Add some more and get a surefire.....IMHO
jumpstat said:
Maglites that are 2C sized and modded with LEDs (SSC-Seoul Semiconductor), not sure about ROP though. Iam sure someone can fill you in.

BTW Welcome to CPF. Add some more and get a surefire.....IMHO

Thank you. I've been lurking for awhile now. I try to read a forum for a few weeks before jumping in and looking stupid :ohgeez:

So which Surefire should I be looking at for a starter? Should I wait on the Cree-based products due out in a few months? Or will these be only the HIGH end lights getting Cree at first...?
For $50 you can get a Surefire 6P, or you can get a G2 with change to spend on some CR123s.

You can always put your $50 towards a higher end light.
ROP = Roar Of the Pelican lithium edition, that means 2 18650 on a 2C mag powering a Pelican Big D bulb for 500+ lumens on low and 1000+ lumens on high, you will need to get a metal reflector and small mods to make it work.

And BTW the Lumapower M1 totally OWNS the G2 and the 6p in brightness and throw, but Litemania is selling a Cree upgrade for the SF's.
So far the leading candidates are:

Lumapower M1 Cree (eBay Link) <- does this have 2 stage clicky?

Lumapower D Mini Cree (eBay Link) <- does this have 2 stage clicky?

Ultrafire C2 Cree plus batteries and charger (eBay Link) <- is 2 stage even an option here?
Dobbler said:
I picked up the M1 cree on eBay and the C2 and batteries from DX

Interesting choice!

i would have picked up a fistfull of those little cheap flat-lemon squeeze lights for gifts, and a random chineese cheapy or two for "beater" (plain ordinary) lights.

have fun with your new cree!
M1 has a two stage clickie

D Mini, I don't know, ask the seller

C2, No two stage clickie

Dobbler said:
So far the leading candidates are:

Lumapower M1 Cree (eBay Link) <- does this have 2 stage clicky?

Lumapower D Mini Cree (eBay Link) <- does this have 2 stage clicky?

Ultrafire C2 Cree plus batteries and charger (eBay Link) <- is 2 stage even an option here?