Like the thread title says "Help? My 3P+A19+M30=Not working, But my 3P+M30=Works"
Got my M30 today and put it in my 3P added an A19 and an AW 17760 and the stock 3P twisty switch. All I get is a little "flash" from the M60 thats it.
So I removed the 17760 battery measured it with a DMM and I am getting around 4.10Volts.
Then I took the A19 extender off and used an AW RCR123 and it works,
So I have a connection problem or something does not fit with the 3P+A19+M30 setup, I serached here and can not find anything with the same setup. Anyone with some ideas of what I should attempt to do? I want to run the M30 with a 17760 for a bit more runtime as an EDC, and have a backup of going to a RCR123 or CR123 when I need to by just taking off the A19.
There has been some threads about removing the outer spring from the pill to get P60 pills to work with some lights, but there is no outer spring for the M30.
Got my M30 today and put it in my 3P added an A19 and an AW 17760 and the stock 3P twisty switch. All I get is a little "flash" from the M60 thats it.
So I removed the 17760 battery measured it with a DMM and I am getting around 4.10Volts.
Then I took the A19 extender off and used an AW RCR123 and it works,
So I have a connection problem or something does not fit with the 3P+A19+M30 setup, I serached here and can not find anything with the same setup. Anyone with some ideas of what I should attempt to do? I want to run the M30 with a 17760 for a bit more runtime as an EDC, and have a backup of going to a RCR123 or CR123 when I need to by just taking off the A19.
There has been some threads about removing the outer spring from the pill to get P60 pills to work with some lights, but there is no outer spring for the M30.