Help? My 3P+A19+M30=Not working 3P+M30=Works


Newly Enlightened
Apr 11, 2008
Like the thread title says "Help? My 3P+A19+M30=Not working, But my 3P+M30=Works"

Got my M30 today and put it in my 3P added an A19 and an AW 17760 and the stock 3P twisty switch. All I get is a little "flash" from the M60 thats it.

So I removed the 17760 battery measured it with a DMM and I am getting around 4.10Volts.

Then I took the A19 extender off and used an AW RCR123 and it works,

So I have a connection problem or something does not fit with the 3P+A19+M30 setup, I serached here and can not find anything with the same setup. Anyone with some ideas of what I should attempt to do? I want to run the M30 with a 17760 for a bit more runtime as an EDC, and have a backup of going to a RCR123 or CR123 when I need to by just taking off the A19.

There has been some threads about removing the outer spring from the pill to get P60 pills to work with some lights, but there is no outer spring for the M30.

Do you mean M30, you wrote M60!
I assume you are only talking about the M30.

First thing to do is isolate the problem.
Put the extender on and insert the 17670, then (without putting on the tailcap, use a somethin to short the battery onto the body........If it works then you know its something to do with the tailcap when its on the A19 extender.

Why the tailcap wouldnt work with the A19 I dont know, maybe someone with some more knowledge of the 3P can chime the tailcap the same as a 6P would have?
Thanks, for some reason it turned out to be something wrong with the AW 17760 battery I was using. I took the tail cap off the 3P + A19 and shorted it out and got a flash. I put it in a 6P body with the same tail and got same result. I had another AW 17760 battery and used that one and all is fine. So for some reason that AW 17760 does not work with the M30, but does work with a LF 3.7V Incan bulb??? Go figure!!!:crackup::crackup::crackup:

Well at least it was only a 10 dollar battery and not the M30.

Have fun.......when you get a chance I recommend putting that A19 on the 6P and with the M30 run it off 2 AA's...just to check it out;)
Try not screwing the A19 down all of the way using the 3P+A19. There is probably some pressure on the battery with your combo as the 17670 (not 17760) is longer than two CR123's in length, so you are not making a true 6P out of your setup. Also, older 6P's bodies are shorter than the current run of 6P's. I am saying this because I have had problems with overly long Li-Ions causing problems with electrical contact using older model 6P's. I may be wrong here, as it did work with another 17670. Try backing off on A19 anyway.

Try not screwing the A19 down all of the way using the 3P+A19. There is probably some pressure on the battery with your combo as the 17670 (not 17760) is longer than two CR123's in length, so you are not making a true 6P out of your setup. Also, older 6P's bodies are shorter than the current run of 6P's. I am saying this because I have had problems with overly long Li-Ions causing problems with electrical contact using older model 6P's. I may be wrong here, as it did work with another 17670. Try backing off on A19 anyway.


I'm thinking more of the AW battery, perhaps the M30 draw too much amps and the pcb in this one AW battery is bad. I can not loosen the A19 because the threads on the 3P are not bare, its coated with the "black" finish as the rest of the body. Only the very end/edge of the body is bare to make a contact with the A19. I also looked into the "Head" of the 3p and it is also coated with the exception of where the tube meets the head.
I'm thinking more of the AW battery, perhaps the M30 draw too much amps and the pcb in this one AW battery is bad. I can not loosen the A19 because the threads on the 3P are not bare, its coated with the "black" finish as the rest of the body. Only the very end/edge of the body is bare to make a contact with the A19. I also looked into the "Head" of the 3p and it is also coated with the exception of where the tube meets the head.

Interesting. I have never owned a 3P. Thanks for that info.


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