Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2001
Friggin' MORE COWBELL!!!

I will be going to qualify next month and need to order a front sight adjustment tool for the M16A4. It is the same as for the AR15A2 or M16A2 model.

Anyway, I checked DPMS and they said it would ship in 7-10 days and said that the shipping would be determined later. I need a reputable dealer that has these now and can ship them the day I place the order. If they ship UPS ground or US Mail, it will get here in time. If they do that and ship it several days from the day I place the order, it will not.

I did a google search for this to find other sources, but I do not recognize any of the retailers so I do not know if they are reputable or not...or if their service is fast/slow, etc.

I am looking for the standard A2 adjustment tool (looks like a piece of rod with the four pins sticking out from it a bit) and also the keychain version (shorter with a hole to attach to the ID tag chain so it won't get stolen like my last one did...)

Hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help...

(Mods, if this would better belong in the Cafe, please accept my apologies and move it there...thanks.)
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Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...

you can find these for $5 next to the p38's at all my local army navy surplus stores. There are about 20 of them within as many miles.
Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...

carbine15 said:
you can find these for $5 next to the p38's at all my local army navy surplus stores. There are about 20 of them within as many miles.

Right. I should have mentioned I did try sourcing these locally first since I need it ASAP and was unsuccessful, hence the quest to find one online.

carbine15 said:

Thanks for the you have direct experience with any of these retailers or are these just links where you found it? If you've used them all, which one is the fastest? Which one would you recommend in particular?

270winchester said:
is this what you are looking for?

they ship real quick and I have gotten things from them within a few days.

Thanks for that also...that would work fine, but is not the same one I was looking at before. The main one I'd like is the keychain one with the hole in it so I can dummy-cord it to my vest. I loaned mine out to someone last time and never got it back -- if it's tethered to my vest, harder to lose that way. :)

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Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...


I was able to get DPMS to say they'd send these out today, so it's been taken care of. Thanks for the replies.

Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...

I've always used the tip of a 5.56 round...
Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...

+1 on 5.56 round

Be Safe, Grill Tactical.

Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...

+2 on the 5.56 round, I used the technique for 12 years, never knew there was a proper tool for doing this!
Re: Help sourcing M16A4 (same as AR15A2) front sight adjustment tool quickly, please...

Yes, I know I could use the tip of a 5.56mm round, a nail, etc. and have done that in the past (built my first AR in 1992) but it is a LOT easier and faster with the sight adjustment tool. It was so nice, I used to loan it to other people so they could make adjustments faster. Helped save a lot of time in zeroing.

Anyway, they're on the way now.
