Flashlight Enthusiast
I already typed the long version of this & it dissappeared, so now I doing the short version. I did a run test on 2 heat sinked, direct drive LS LED's useing 3 C NiCads. The 1st test was 8 hrs. It started being about as bright as 10-12 good LED's. At the end of the test, the LS, even hooked to fresh alkalines, was only about as bright as my SL Batonlite. Figureing it was a bad LS, I ran it again with a new LS. This time, the test was only 4 hrs. Now the 2nd LS, with fresh alkalines, is about as bright as my Eternalight.
I know NiCads release current faster than alkalines, but since they are being dirven at their optimum voltage, 3.6V, should this matter. You don't have the overvoltage condition present to cause the over current. Am I missing something here on the relationship of LS/voltage/current??? TX
I know NiCads release current faster than alkalines, but since they are being dirven at their optimum voltage, 3.6V, should this matter. You don't have the overvoltage condition present to cause the over current. Am I missing something here on the relationship of LS/voltage/current??? TX