Help with D30 Howitzer repair...


Sep 6, 2005
Palo Alto, CA
One of the MCEs on this light has gone dim and I am having trouble locating replacement parts.

The whole pill unscrews and the emitter stars are just screwed in place, with a little AS-5 to aid in conduction.

Where can I buy MCE emitters in an M bin, and WC (or warmer) tint?
Where can I buy 2P-2S MCE stars?
Is it possible to buy the emitters already mounted on the star?

Are M flux bins as durable as lower BINs?... do they generate more heat, or are they more susceptible to overheating conditions? Is there any advantage in going with a cheaper and more common K bin?

Can I direct swap a 2S-2P MCE with an SST-50? Would I gain / loose lumens compared to an MCE M or K bin? (sorry for the stupid question, but I have to ask).

Thanks!! Heres some pics for those who are interested. Should be a simple plug & play repair.



In this pic you can see the emitter dome starting to "fracture", and pull away from the dies.
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Don't get an MC-E from DX, you never know which tint + bin you get.
If you know the tints/bins of the other mc-e's, then you could get one from cutter.
However, you can't swap a 2s2p mc-e for a sst-50, since the sst-50 has a forward voltage like a 4p mc-e or p7 (which is always 4p).
you can get the mc-e already on stars at cutter as far as i remember and choose how it should be wired.
in my eyes it might be easier to get 3 new mc-e's or....3 sst-50s...but then you should take a look at the rest of the circuit and how much voltage goes to the leds.