Help with my L2D CE...Problem Fixed!!


Jul 17, 2006
Sydney Australia
I don't know whether this is a problem, or maybe i'm just blind :ohgeez:
I can't at all tell the difference between high and Turbo on my L2DCE. I've tried it with a few people, no one can tell a difference. I'm using fully charged Sanyo 2500's, and have also tried with Alkaline.

I did this test.

Went into General mode set the torch the high. I Aim the Light at something and hold it perfectly still. Then i rotate the bezel into tactical mode, there is absolutley no difference. Should there be a slight flicker as i change between general and turbo modes? I have very good eyesight, and i can't tell any difference at all. Dad, my girl, mum the dog :laughing: can't tell any difference. I think it's bust.

I realise changes in output from the torch become harder and harder to see as you go up in brightness. But i should be able to discerne between 80 vs 135 lumens shouldn't i?
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Re: Help with my L2D CE

I see only slight difference between high and turbo. On my L1D-CE, I cannot tell the difference at all... :shrug:
Re: Help with my L2D CE

I cant see a massive difference between high and Turbo indoors on non-white walls,
however outside is a different matter, shining it down the garden and switching between the 2, is significant.....too my eyes !!
trick of the light ????
Re: Help with my L2D CE

I don't have L2D CE but you may try this way to see which mode is brighter.

In a dark room point your light toward the roof and the whole room will be lighten. In that case you may easily find out which one is brighter.

Hope that's useful. :huh:
Re: Help with my L2D CE

The difference between the high and turbo mode is very noticeable on my L2D-CE with NiMHs and even Alkalines.
Re: Help with my L2D CE

Hi, I too see little difference between High and Turbo on the L2D-CE, but turbo is defiantly 'slightly' brighter. When I went for a walk last night it had increased throw.

I just compared it to my P1D-CE (Both on fresh batts (P1D on energiser Lith, and L2D on Duracell ultra M3's) and I think that both are the same. (Very unscientific but that's all I can do)

So I'm stumped, is it possible that the High (not Turbo) is extra high, closer to the Turbo mode on our models?
And if so Why?

Sorry to ask more question…
Re: Help with my L2D CE

i can easily see a difference between high and turbo mode even using cheapo non brand alkalines
Re: Help with my L2D CE

Quick comment here - the human eye senses light intensity logarithmically.
What this means is it typically requires 3-4x more light for your eyes think it's 2x the brightness.
To your eyes, 25 lumens and 100 lumens appear 2x the difference. 35 lumens and
140 lumens appear to be 2x.

I've had many complaints and returned P1D CE's that claimed there was no difference
between the medium and high modes (72 and 135 lumens). Well, we tested each and
every one of these with a meter and verified that medium and high were indeed
about 2x difference in intensity.

Bottom line, you need a light meter to "objectively" test the output. You can't
reply on your eyes. However, we would be happy to take back the light to
check if there is a problem with your light. After all, if there is any shadow of
doubt about your purchase that could cause dissatisfaction, we want to
rectify it to your satisfaction. Feel free to contact us through our store. :D
Re: Help with my L2D CE

The difference between high and turbo on my L2D is not huge, but noticeable enough to be acceptable i feel, taking into account the previous explanations.
If it could be switched back to high and thus make several high - turbo - high - ... changes, one might be able to think to see something.

Just measure current draw from battery. More Ampere should equal to more light
Re: Help with my L2D CE


if you have a digital camera with manual mode take photos with stepped
down exposure from the beam at "high" and "turbo" and compare them side
by side on your monitor.
If there is a difference you will be able to see it.

Re: Help with my L2D CE

I have never been able to tell the difference between "normal"(65%) and "max" (100%)on my JEtbeam MKII as far as brightness goes, I can see some of the PWM flicker in normal, but as far as brightness goes, I can't distinguish between the two, even though I know there is a difference. I assume the same can be said for the Fenix. I am anxiously awaiting al l2dce now. I have not bought a light in months.

I think that after a certain intensity, it gets harder to tell how bright a light is.
Re: Help with my L2D CE

yekim said:
I have never been able to tell the difference between "normal"(65%) and "max" (100%)on my JEtbeam MKII as far as brightness goes, I can see some of the PWM flicker in normal, but as far as brightness goes, I can't distinguish between the two, even though I know there is a difference. I assume the same can be said for the Fenix. I am anxiously awaiting al l2dce now. I have not bought a light in months.

I think that after a certain intensity, it gets harder to tell how bright a light is.

I think you will see a difference between high and turbo with the L2D. I run mine on NiMh batteries and the difference is more obvious when shining at a distant object and then twisting the head to activate turbo. Shining it at a wall from a few feet makes the difference a lot less noticeable, to my eyes anyway.
Re: Help with my L2D CE

Luke, have you tried it with different batteries?

I fed my L2D with Energizer L91's the first time and I was pleased with the output difference while in turbo. Then I decided to fed it some Energizer 2500 mah's I have had laying around for maybe a month...I saw no difference between high and turbo using those cells. I don't know how much voltage they have left as I haven't gotten around to metering them, but I'm quite certain that they are probably almost drained. Also I think you had asked if it flickers or something, I have noticed that from turbo to low the light actually fades or slowl y dims. My L2T is more of a flicker.
Re: Help with my L2D CE

Your eyes are probably being overloaded anyway ;) Either way these things are bright!

The high\turbo difference on my L1 is not huge, but it *is* noticable. And that is only meant to be a difference of 10 Lumens or so.

I'm very impressed with the output on a single Energizer 2500mAh NiMH.
With a [email protected] there is certainly a difference in output, but for me it is definitely not worth the loss of modes. Perhaps if I were to be using it explicitly for defence the LIR would be the better idea, but generally speaking the single NiMH is fine :)
Very happy with it.
Re: Help with my L2D CE

I'll take them as Seconds!!! :)

My CR123 L1D has a large diff between turbo and high

4sevens said:
Quick comment here - the human eye senses light intensity logarithmically.
What this means is it typically requires 3-4x more light for your eyes think it's 2x the brightness.
To your eyes, 25 lumens and 100 lumens appear 2x the difference. 35 lumens and
140 lumens appear to be 2x.

I've had many complaints and returned P1D CE's that claimed there was no difference
between the medium and high modes (72 and 135 lumens). Well, we tested each and
every one of these with a meter and verified that medium and high were indeed
about 2x difference in intensity.

Bottom line, you need a light meter to "objectively" test the output. You can't
reply on your eyes. However, we would be happy to take back the light to
check if there is a problem with your light. After all, if there is any shadow of
doubt about your purchase that could cause dissatisfaction, we want to
rectify it to your satisfaction. Feel free to contact us through our store. :D