Help with new Jetbeam


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2007
Just got my new Jetbeam MkII X Ver. 1.2. The light will not return to standard mode, anyone have the same problem? Also the light I bought was supposed to be a ver. 1.2 but on the light it says Jet-I Mk II x e1. 0 AO so is this a 1.2 version?
Very bright light
Thanks in advance for any help
With the ones I've owned, it has to be shut off in 80% or higher levels to get back to standard mode.
Where did you buy the light. It's not very clear what the difference between 1.0 and 1.2 is. Emilion's site says spring attached to bezel side and sealed bezel. I have one with no spring on the bezel side and the pill screws out. The other one has the spring and the pill appears to be glued in pretty well, I assume making it sealed. Both have 1.0 on the bezel. No difference in functions.
Thanks for the help, that was the solution. Just got my 14500 batteries and while I was very impressed with just a plain alkaline, the lithiums make this light like magic. Incredibly bright - the only brighter light I have is my 6D Mag with the new Terralux which is out of sight.

I have beamshots of the two, how do I post?
I don't know if this has been reported before, but it is not necessary to perform a hard click on the JetBeam to return to the default setting, in either basic or advanced mode. For example, if the light is at 50% in the advanced mode, to go back to 100% (default) without cycling through all other settings, one can just do a soft click and hold 1-2 seconds. Upon release, the light goes back to the original setting. This also works in basic mode.
Rather neat
You sure it'll go back to basic at 50%? I've had 4 of these lights and all of them required it to be at 80% or above.
You sure it'll go back to basic at 50%? I've had 4 of these lights and all of them required it to be at 80% or above.

I think he just meant that from %50 in advance, if you hold down the button lightly for 1-2 seconds it will go back to the first stage in advance mode (100%).
I think he just meant that from %50 in advance, if you hold down the button lightly for 1-2 seconds it will go back to the first stage in advance mode (100%).

Actually I meant that anywhere within either basic mode or between 5-80% in advanced mode, holding down the switch softly for 1-2 seconds returns the light to the default setting within that mode. So whether you are at 20% or 50%, pressing softly and releasing resets it to default, i.e. 100%. In basic mode, this would mean the medium setting.

However, if you happen to be in low setting (basic mode), this action will send you to advanced mode (same as a hard click). Or if the light is in the standby, SOS, slow strobe setting or above 80% (advanced mode), the same action will switch the light to basic mode.

I guess this light is not for the faint of heart, as it can be quite complicated to memorize all those quirks.
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