Help with new Warrior III 3500


Newly Enlightened
Nov 17, 2008
HI, I just bought a new warrior III 3500 and after using it for about 40 min. I set it on the charging base for some hours. Yesterday I intended to use it again and I turned it on and everything seemed fine until after about a minute the light began to blink and then it turned dimmer and finally turned off. I tried using the charging base again only to obtain the same result. Any ideas what could be happening? I am about to return the light to the vendor but I want to check with you guys first if it is not something simple to fix.
Did you push the battery switch to on, and make sure that the charger cord is pluged into the basd all the way. After that I don't know what to tell you.
Did you push the battery switch to on, and make sure that the charger cord is pluged into the basd all the way. After that I don't know what to tell you.


Put the light on the base and push the power switch. The led will turn red while charging and green when finished. Remember to turn the power switch back off before assembling the light.